Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Only Good News

Less than a week to go before Election Day, and our collective anxiety is spiking. 

LSR is here to give a happiness injection. Today we focus on the good and what gets us laughing so we don't cry.

The good news from the good 'uns
Kamala Harris's Closing Argument
Kamala had a huge rally at the Ellipse, in the same spot Dictator Don used in his coup attempt. She drew 75,000 people! It was a stirring speech. 

Her closing: 
Nearly 250 years ago America was born when we wrested freedom from a petty tyrant. Across the generations, Americans have preserved that freedom; expanded it and in so doing proved to the world that a government of, by, and for the people is strong and can endure. 

And those who came before us, the patriots at Normandy and Selma, Seneca Falls and Stonewall, on farmlands and factory floors, they did not struggle, sacrifice, and lay down their lives only to see us cede our fundamental freedoms. They didn't do that only to see us submit to the will of another petty tyrant.  
These United States of America – we are not a vessel for the schemes of wannabe dictators. The United States of America is the greatest idea Humanity ever devised; a nation big enough to encompass all our dreams, strong enough to withstand any fracture or fissure between us, and fearless enough to imagine a future of possibilities. 

So America, let let us reach for that future. Let us fight for this beautiful country we love. And in seven days we have the power each of you has the power to turn the page and start writing the next chapter in the most extraordinary story ever told. 
Barbara Bush campaigns for Kamala
Barbara Bush, W's daughter and George I's granddaughter, endorsed Kamala and is campaigning for her. It's a welcome surprise that a Bush is speaking out for Kamala. 

New Mexico says ¡No! to the pendejo naranjo 
The GOP wanted to have an event with their candidate in Albuquerque. Eeeee! Not evennnnn. 

Sorry, not sorry. There's no parking; you owe money for last time; and most importantly, New Mexico has no room for your hate. Take that shit elsewhere. Te bueno bye.

New Mexicans, as you vote, remember that Puerto Rico's nickname is The Island of Enchantment!

Those who soften the pricks of the thorns
  • Old, but worth a re-watch!

  • Training for prison garbage duty. ✅

Lalo Alcarez


  • And just for fun, another (non-political) giggle from "The Sound of Silence"

Pat Bagley

Mike Luckovich

Bill Bramhall

Pat Byrnes

Jack Ohman

Chris Britt

Drew Sheneman

Just some really good news from the world
  • You'll never learn to speak Umeri, but that doesn't mean it isn't an amazing language! Read about adult twin brothers who still speak their twin language. 
  • Did you see this? Deeply touching. Here's the story behind it. 

  • And this. Ow, my heart.

  • From 2021:
LSR's memories of Puerto Rico

And finally, My favorite funny men who can get us to laugh to keep from crying

 Randy Rainbow




Monday, October 28, 2024

The Hate Rally

Bill Bramhall

We start again with the Dark Side
The dark, disgusting, racist, wretched, filthy, fetid side.

Hair Hitler met two goals by setting up shop at Madison Square Garden on Sunday. One, he got a vanity piece checked off his bucket list by performing at the self-dubbed, "World's Most Famous Arena" right in his own home town.

And two, he got a his very own Nazi rally, just like the one held there in 1939.

Buckle in; there's a lot to unpack. Many alarm bells went off.

DonOld's opening act, "comedian" Tony Hinchcliffe, set the tone with his disgusting "jokes."
“I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico."

Hinchcliffe "joked" a little later: "These Latinos, they love making babies, too. Just know that they do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside, just like they did to our country."


Tucker Carlson's charm came through during his speech, saying that Harris is “the first Samoan, Malaysian, low IQ” presidential nominee.

Sid Rosenberg, a right-wing radio idiot, commented, "I just got back from Israel … and they go, 'Sid, you want to speak at this MSG thing? I go, 'Sure. Out of character for me to speak at a Nazi rally. I was just in Israel.' But I took the gig."

Literal garbageman and cocaine trafficker David Rem waved a crucifix around and called Harris "the Antichrist" and "the devil."

Billionaire and fraudster Grant Cardone told the crowd that Harris "and her pimp handlers will destroy our country."

Sid Rosenberg also spat out an insult about Hilary Clinton, saying about her and Democrats in general, "She is some sick bastard, that Hillary Clinton, huh? What a sick son of a bitch. The whole party — a bunch of degenerates. Jew-haters and lowlifes, every one of them." Later Rosenberg talked about "the fucking illegals."

Rosenberg also talked about Travis Kelce, who is in a relationship with Taylor Swift: he "might be the next O.J. Simpson." Odious.

The company you keep. These are the people that are ok with 🚼 becoming president. I am not ok with them.

His Infancy continued his same old lines about immigration. He has been upping the ante, and repeated a line he's been using that he would call for "the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer." And you wouldn't even wait for a trial, now would you, Hair Furher?

The extremely weird Hulk Hogan did his extremely weird shirt-ripping thing. Ok, whatever. He said, "I don’t see no stinking Nazis in here. I don’t see no stinking domestic terrorists in here." Nice use of the double negative, Hulky. The place was filled with 'em, after all.

Fucker Carlson invoked the "Great Replacement Theory" when he said, "People know in a country that has been taken over by a leadership class that actually despises them and their values and their history and their culture and their customs, really hates them to the point that it's trying to replace them. They know someone who actually has affection for them and that's Donald Trump. And it’s requited.”

And the absolute pond scum shaped into human form, Stephen Miller, echoed that sentiment when he said, "America is for Americans and Americans only." Can you guess who said, "Germany is for Germans only" about 80 years ago? Yes, that dude. The slogan "Nur fΓΌr Deutsche" – "Only for Germans" – was used on signs and placards throughout Germany from 1939 until Germany was defeated in 1945. 

"Our little secret"
Eric's alleged dad said in reference to House Speaker Mike Johnson, "We gotta get the congressmen elected and we gotta get the senators elected. We can take the Senate pretty easily, and I think with our little secret we are gonna do really well with the House. Our little secret is having a big impact. He and I have a little secret – we will tell you what it is when the race is over."

He thought he was being coy, but he showed his hand. He's alluding to a sinister plan to contest a potential loss if the Republicans have the majority in the House. 

Daniel Goldman explains it on CNN:

OK, resisters, VOTE downballot! The Dems need to regain the House – and keep the Senate for that matter. Let's work to not have any issues on January 6. Or anytime.

"If he can make it here, he can make it anywhere"
That was the mood and the aim of the rally, it seemed. All his minions were touting the fact that he was able to fill Madison Square Garden in deep blue New York, assigning some magic meaning to it as if he was turning the state red. LSR's eyes rolled back so far that she could view her optic nerve. 

Even though he had the "little secret," the fact is that he didn't have one single candidate on stage with him from any of the close races for Congress, of which there are many in New York. He didn't care to truly make a political impact. His simple-minded goal was to have adoring racists hang on his every wackadoodle word.

It worked – to an extent. They started leaving after he spoke for about an hour. 

The Backlash
The backlash was swift. Democrats, fellow Republicans, Puerto Ricans, and finally the media in its growing condemnation of this shit. 

The Headlines: "offensive," "crude," "mean," "racist,"" anger," "misogyny," "ugly," "vulgar," "vitriol," orgy of fascism
then there's FAUX News:

The Apologist
Prince Smarming, JV Vance, filled his apologist role as only he would. In true bully fashion, his response was, Can't you just take a joke? He said, "Maybe it's a stupid, racist joke, maybe it's not."  (Hint: it is a stupid racist joke, you stupid racist shit!) 

Puerto Rican Celebs Speak Out
These folks have millions of followers. And they are not staying silent. 

Bad Bunny, one of the biggest superstars today who has 45.6 million Instagram followers, posted a Kamala Harris video with her remarks on Puerto Rico and the Mango Mussolini's inhumane treatment of the island's residents during hurricane disasters. With this, Bad Bunny tacitly endorsed Harris.

Puerto Ricans Ricky Martin and J Lo soon followed suit and posted the video to their Instagrams as well. Between the three of them, they have more than 300 million followers on Instagram, nearly the whole population of the United States! Yes, I know there is overlap in their followers, but still!

The Puerto Rican singer of "Despacito," Luis Fonsi, also took to Instagram, posting the video clip of Hinchcliffe’s "joke" about Puerto Rico and commented, "Are you serious?" And he added, "I understand comedy, I'm a big fan of it. I love roasts, trust me, I get it, BUT... this is far from comedy. We are not ok with this constant hate. It's been made abundantly clear that these people have no respect for us and yet they want our vote."

  • Kamala Harris called it "nonsense" and said it "fans the fuel of hate and division." 
  • AOC called it a "hate rally."
  • Former 45 communications director for nine days, Anthony Scaramucci (I put him in the Democrat column; he's been both), called it "race baiting."
  • Puerto Rican Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) spoke out strongly, saying the comments were "a slap in the face to every Puerto Rican in New York and the five million Puerto Ricans in the mainland."
  • The DNC projected messages on the exterior of the building before and during the rally, some of them reading, "Trump praised Hitler," "Trump = Unhinged," and "Trump = Unfit."
  • And many other Democrats. Here is a montage, from, of all sources, Fox News. (I had trouble embedding it; if it doesn't play, click this link)

The Puerto Rican Voters
The fallout from Puerto Rican voters, especially in Pennsylvania, where there is a large Puerto Rican population, was swift and strong. They are angry and they are talking about it. Way to get out the vote, Dumpy!

Republicans tried hard to paddle their rowboats hard away from this shitshow. Some of the reactions:

Florida Republicans especially called it out. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) tweeted, "This joke bombed for a reason. It's not funny and it's not true." 

Cuban-American Rep. MarΓ­a Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.) posted on X: "Disgusted by Tony Hinchcliffe’s racist comment calling Puerto Rico a 'floating island of garbage.' This rhetoric does not reflect GOP values. Puerto Rico sent 48,000+ soldiers to Vietnam, with over 345 Purple Hearts awarded. This bravery deserves respect. Educate yourself!"

Another Cuban-American Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.), tweeted that the comments were "completely classless & in poor taste" and "definitely doesn't reflect my values."

Rep. Anthony D'Esposito (R-N.Y.) tweeted that he is "proud to be Puerto Rican. The only thing that's 'garbage' was a bad comedy set. Stay on message." 

The campaign itself tried to distance itself by saying, "This joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign." Yeah, no. It really does, though. It really does.

Just to remind you of McDiaper's disdain for Puerto Rico. He withheld aid to the island after Hurricane Maria (and insulted them by throwing paper towels instead); he mocked their accent; he called it "dirty" and wanted to trade it for Greenland; he showed – or maybe feigned – his ignorance of where PR is located (hint: it's not in "a big ocean, a really, really big ocean"); and he disowned them or didn't even understand that he is their president (side note: he clearly didn't know he was president of the U.S. Virgin Islands).

There are millions of Puerto Ricans in the mainland United States and hundreds of thousands in swing states. I hope they, and all the other Latinos in the United States, pay attention, get out their chanclas, and vote! 

Lalo Alcarez

Side note: I know there are lots of issues facing the next Congress, but we really need to push for PR to become a state. They need a voice! 

If this is his "closing argument" one week before the election, we get it.

Let's πŸ‘ make πŸ‘ this πŸ‘ fucker πŸ‘ irrelevant πŸ‘

If you are interested in the whole long disgusting shit show at MSG, here it is for your viewing vexation.

Black women raise their voices!
There were a couple of stirring moments at recent Harris rallies this week.

Queen Bey
Beyonce met up with Kamala in her hometown of Houston to give this moving introduction. 

Queen Em
And the amazing and wonderful Michelle Obama campaigned with Harris in "Kamalazoo," Michigan on Sunday. Her whole speech is worth the watch, but when she talked about women's issues and talked directly to the men, it was especially good! Here is the whole speech, and her remarks on women's safety starts at about 21:40. 


More about the Washington Post non-endorsement
The non-endorsement that Jeff Bezos forced upon his Washington Post editorial staff came hours before his employees from his government-contracted space company Blue Origin met with King Ketchup. Suuuuper stinky, people. Super duper stinky. 

Over 200,000 WaPo subscribers – about 8% of their circulation – have cancelled their digital subscriptions

Former Executive Editor of the Washington Post Marty Baron put it well on NPR's Morning Edition
"If this decision had been made three years ago, two years ago, maybe even a year ago, that would've been fine. It's a certainly reasonable decision. But this was made within a couple of weeks of the election, and there was no substantive serious deliberation with the editorial board of the paper. It was clearly made for other reasons, not for reasons of high principle."
The Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post's non-endorsements are being called "anticipatory obedience," which is a cog in the Fascism machine. The Colombia Journalism Review dove into this subject just a few weeks ago. The cogs have been turning, it seems, for a while now. 

Trust in the two newspapers may never again be rebuilt. Not only that it was done, but how it was done (at the very last minute) and who did it (the billionaire owners) may have broken the public's trust completely. 

The New York Times's editorial board stuck it to them. Here is their Sunday Opinion Section's front page.

The online version of the headline was just as powerful. Read the essay. 

Gosh darn it we've got to keep working to get out the vote!! We can't let this go on!

Nick Anderson

A catch up on a couple things from the last couple weeks

Arlington National Cemetery assault
A new detail came out about that illegal and immoral event at Arlington National Cemetery where DonOld used the hallowed grounds for a campaign video. In the heavily redacted report that was released as a result of a lawsuit, it says that the campaign staffer put "both hands" on the Army's Arlington employee. Police called it a "simple assault."

The Kavanaugh investigation was worse than we thought
A column from Robin Abcarian, a true gem of the Los Angeles Times, and one that I will miss since I cancelled my subscriptionoutlined the "supplemental investigation" by the FBI after Christine Blasey Ford's allegations. She shows that the investigation was controlled by the Mushroom Man, and it was a complete sham. They did just enough to make it appear to be conducting an investigation, but it was just show. It worked to cement Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Once in a while, I still ask my Members of Congress to work to impeach the bastard.

George Conway's heroism
George Conway went on this podcast to describe how he went from a Drumpf supporter to one of the most vocal critics on the right. He helped found The Lincoln Project, which has been running anti-Dumpty ads for years, and his new PsychoPAC, both of which help educate and motivate voters to turn away from him. Conway really is brilliant, and he is an American hero. He cares. Deeply.

It's long, but it is worth the watch (thanks Sister Resister Anne for sending it my way)

And just for shits and grins, here are a couple of the Lincoln Project's ads. 

One from back during the RNC Convention:

This one:

and the latest ad:

Vote before November 5 to make the Lincoln Project irrelevant – in a good way! 

Wouldn't this be yummy?
Garry Trudeau

And I leave you with this:

RESIST! And vote for Puerto Ricans!

Saturday, October 26, 2024

A Dark Day

Ann Telnaes

We got slammed with the news that not one, but two, major newspapers are declining to make an endorsement for president. 

When I first saw the news that the Washington Post had followed the Los Angeles Times, I was stunned. I got a chill. My very blood froze. Then I got a hard pit gnawing in my stomach. And I started to cry. 

Our best defense against autocracy, the free press, the very bulwark of our democracy, was turning their backs. 

This, more than anything else – more than TRUMP's blathering, more than the generals' warnings, more than federal indictments, and criminal convictions, more than Project 2025's filthy plan – made me fear for our country.

The Washington Post's slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness" is too true. To think, in reality it is just a few drops of ink on the top of a page of newsprint. It has no meaning anymore. It sickens me.

They are turning their backs on us! Cowards, turning their backs on defenders of democracy. Shay Moss and Lady Ruby, Cassidy Hutchinson, Christine Blasey Ford, Stormy Daniels, E Jean Carroll, many more, and all of the working journalists out there, too many heroes to list, are all being betrayed. 

Each one of us who is willing to preserve our democracy, to speak out, to stand up, to take action, sometimes at the very peril to our lives, have been betrayed. Are we all on our own now? 

The press is The People. They are our ears, our eyes, and our voice. If we lose the press, what do we have?

The press's job is to speak truth to power, and they failed. Such shame has been brought upon the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Freaking Post. Such shame. 

After I had a good cry, a cuppa, and a kitty snuggle, I took action. Because I'm a woman of action and words, and I will not be silent on this. 

I cancelled my Washington Post subscription. I cancelled my Los Angles Times subscription. And I wrote a letter to the editor of the LA Times. I told them what I told you (well, edited down to a publishable length). 

Then I started to read the whys and wherefores – though no "why" can justify this cowardly act – and what others are thinking. 

The whys: No surprise. Oligarchs hiding in fear
The billionaire owners of both papers strong-armed the editors to withhold endorsement, even as endorsements for Kamala Harris had been written and were ready to publish. Jeff Bezos, billionaire owner of Amazon and The Washington Post, alone made the decision to withhold endorsement. There was a bullshit explanation from the CEO William Lewis about returning to the newspaper's "roots," but nothing from Bezos himself.

On the other coast, billionaire Los Angeles Times owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong also made the decision for his paper to withhold endorsement. He has also been silent, but Soon-Shiong's daughter Nika Soon-Shiong speculates that it is because of Harris's views on the Israel/Gaza war.

The reality: they are afraid of what would happen to them if djt wins the election. There may be no bottom to the depth of the cost of that decision, especially if he wins.

What others are thinking: This is bullshit
Staff, readers, and others all are upset by these decisions. There have been mass subscription cancellations, staff resignations, and community condemnation. 

So far, 18 columnists at the Washington Post signed a joint column protesting this action. Editorial staff resigned in protest. 

Hundreds of Los Angeles Times staff also signed a protest letter. Many staff there resigned as well.

It is not the newspaper owners' job to direct the content of the newspaper. They are there as a safeguard to protect the newspaper's workings. Their role is to manage operations, not to direct content. In both these newspapers' cases, the owners are not newspaper people. They are not journalists. They are billionaires who bought a company.

It reminds me of the kurfuffle at our own small local newspaper here in my town. A few years after she bought the paper in the early 2000s, the Santa-Barbara News-Press's billionaire owner interfered with the newsroom's reporting. She wanted to protect a couple of her celebrity/millionaire cronies. 

Staff resigned, readers boycotted, and the paper withered, becoming more and more right-wing before it died. The News-Press was the first, and one of only a handful in the country, to endorse Trump for president in 2016. 

The paper ceased publication altogether and declared bankruptcy 17 years after the first protest resignations. Read the whole sad saga on Wikipedia.

Now that I revisit that, I realize perhaps that's part of my strong visceral reaction. Billionaires do not belong in newsrooms. When they do, bad things happen. 

A newspaper is more than just a commodity, and if an owner can't understand that, maybe they have no business owning one. If they can't trust their staff, why are they in the business? Now, we have two oligarchs with words at their command bending to the Orange Menace. 

Oligarchs should not own the Free Press. When they do, it isn't free anymore. 

It's a dark day for America.