Monday, October 14, 2024

This Week in Dictatorville

We are three weeks away from Election Day and it's getting darker and darker.

The Dictator Language
"The enemy within" 
WTF is this shit?
He said: “Well, he doesn’t have any idea what’s happening. in all fairness, he spends most of his days sleeping. I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. Not even the people that have come in and are destroying our country. By the way, totally destroying our country. The towns, the villages, they’re being inundated. But I don’t think they’re the problem in terms of election day. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people. Radical left lunatics. And it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.”

Who is he talking about? You and me, Resisters. You and me. 

"The enemy within" is the exact same language that Hitler used in referencing the Jews. This is beyond frightening.

And listen to his slurring, especially in the first sentence. 

Threats against the Meteorologists
Doughnald and his MAGAt minions have taken to threatening the people who forecast the weather. Because, facts.

Whack jobs like Empty Gee have put out the idea that "they" (presumably the Democrats) can control the weather. 

The war against facts has really gone off the rails. How much more neutral and factual is the weather? Yet somehow they believe that there is some grand wizard out there flipping a switch to turn hurricanes toward swing states to..... do what exactly? 

And so, they threaten with violence the people that bring you the weather facts. People like Katie Nickolaou, who broadcasts in Iowa and posts weather facts on TikTok. Here she is describing her experiences:

Washington, D.C.-based meteorologist Matthew Cappucci has also experienced threats of violence and has become exhausted trying to beat down the conspiracy theories.  

Weather-related conspiracy theories aren't new. From Sodom and Gomorrah to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, gawd's hatred for gay people has been blamed for natural disasters for eons.  

But now, gawd doesn't seem to hate gay people anymore. He hates the Right (who also happen to hate "the gays?"). 

Come on, get your story straight! Or gay! Or whatever!

Threats Against FEMA Workers
Meteorologists aren't the only ones who are suffering threats of violence. Directly due to MAGAts' outrageous claims, including those of Diaper Don himself and his oligarch brother-in-arms Elon Musk, workers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, those tasked with getting money and other relief to victims of natural disasters, have also been threatened. 

A nut in North Carolina took firearms to a FEMA office and made verbal threats. He was arrested later and charged with Going Armed to the Terror of the Public, a misdemeanor. 

The dangerous disinformation must stop!

The Desert Debacle

Don the Con traveled to California last week. Why?? California and her numerous LibTards will never in a million years cast their electoral votes to that moron. 

No, it wasn't to garner votes. It was to use and abuse his hapless followers. His deception and harming tendencies do not differentiate. If you have a pulse or if you do not, if you are Blue or Red or wear a horn hat or not, you can be assured to be in the Traitor Tot's sights at some point. He'll use you and then he will turn away.

Case in point. The rally near the city of Coachella. Now mind you, the amazing music festival is held at the Empire Polo Club in nearby Indio, California. It is a huge venue, and the music festival draws 125,000 on each of two weekends every year for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. 

This was not where his rally was held last week. No, he appeared at Calhoun Ranch, a former manure farm a few miles away. This venue holds 15,000.

So of course the bullshit about his crowd size began immediately, with claims of 100,000 people, which didn't happen.

What did happen was that he bussed in several busloads of hapless followers and then stranded them there in the heat, and eventually the dark. Sheriff deputies gave rides to several of them so they could get back to their cars hours after the event ended.

The person who published the Tweets below dared to speak out, unironically calling for an "investigation!" His Tweets were later deleted. He must've read the memo: Must. not. speak. ill. of. Dear. Leader.

During the rally he threatened to withhold relief funds for California's wildfires. 

Diminishing other United States Cities
For a guy who claims to love the country – and shows it by molesting flags on the regular – he sure hates her cities. 

We know what he did to Springfield, Ohio. Now Detroit and Aurora, Colorado, are right below his shithole. 

In another baffling visit to a solid blue state, he went to tell the residents of Aurora, Colorado, how awful their city is, calling it a "war zone" and lying that there are "Venezuelan gangs" running rampant there. 

The Republican mayor of Aurora pushed back, and Martha Raddatz of ABC News pushed back when talking to JD. JD doubled down. JD, you're way out of your league arguing with Martha. Just walk away. 

While in Detroit, talking to the Detroit Economic Club, DonOld denigrated the city itself by warning the Detroiters in attendance that if Kamala is elected, she will unfortunately make the whole country "like Detroit." 

He said, "The whole country will be like — you want to know the truth? It’ll be like Detroit. Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she’s your president."

Just gross. 

Criminals Gonna Crime
Bob Woodward (once called, "fair" by the Orange One himself) uncovered illicit phone calls between TЯUMP and Vladimir Putin after 45 left the White House and Putie lost his American asset. 

TЯUMP reportedly made seven phone calls to Putie the Cutie in the years since leaving office. This is a very likely a crime under the Logan Act. Will he be held responsible? Likely not. Only two people have ever had charges against them under the Logan Act, and neither was convicted. It's just another slippery eel move, getting away with crimes. 

In any case, can we just preserve Bob Woodward for the ages? We need this journalist to continue writing for the next 50 years. 

Late Breaking: Bizarre Dance Party
On Monday evening, October 14, at a town hall in Pennsylvania, instead of taking questions, he put on some music and bopped as only the Emperor With No Disco Clothes can. For 39 minutes. Super bizarre and concerning. 

He blurringly said, "Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?" 

Later, he seemed truly obtunded when he said, "How 'bout this. We'll play YMCA and go we'll go home." 

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Dog Killer, was there to "moderate." She bopped along as if everything was perfectly normal. Friends, this is not normal. 

Please read about it in WaPo (has video) or see the video below.

(Video below from The Telegraph. Dancing starts after footage of a couple of supporters collapsing and being attended to)

Leave it to the Supreme Leader to dance to "Ave Maria." 

And, of course, his minions eat it up. Steven Cheung, the campaign communications person, spun it hard, tweeting, "Total lovefest at the PA townhall! Everyone was so excited they were fainting so @realDonaldTrump turned to music. Nobody wanted to leave and wanted to hear more songs from the famous DJT Spotify playlist!"

This. Is. Not. Normal. 

Grrrl You Betta Blend!

Lookie here at this.

Senator John Cornyn shared this photo.

Twitter had a field day.

The Light
Did you see Barack Obama's speech at Kamala's rally in Pittsburgh?

My word. Do I miss this man!

The self-proclaimed "Hopey-Changey Guy" worked to inspire. Watch him here:

Highlights, in case you don't have 45 minutes to invest in gazing at that man of a man:
He's acting like the Daddy Father-in-Chief, scolding us into voting and taking action. 

Funniest part: when he talked about how insulated Dumpy has been his whole life, asking "Has this man ever changed a diaper?" and he started giggling. An audience member shouted, "His own!" Obama laughed and said, "I almost said that, but I decided I shouldn’t say it."

Aside: Speaking of parenting, get this from Prince Smarming. She's got three kids? She's got three kids??
@nypost Republican Vice Presidential nominee #JDVance ♬ original sound - New York Post | News

270 Reasons to Vote for Kamala
Check this out! If you know an undecided voter, send this to them! Lots of positives to ponder about Kamala Harris!

You Betta Vote!

We cannot let that lunatic anywhere near power! 

It's coming down to the wire. We have just three weeks before Election Day! Many states are already casting ballots, by mail or drop-off. Some states still allow voter registration as of today; a few even allow same-day registration on Election Day. If you know someone who isn't registered, help them do it!

Check your registration status at You can also find information there about your polling places, and early voting, in person or via mail. You can even find information about what's on your ballot.

If you see something suspicious around ballot boxes, or at polling places, please call it in. There are people out there who may try to intimidate voters and they are not allowed to do so! You can call the FBI or complete an online report. Go here for the DOJ's information. Or, call one of the numbers below:

Make a plan to vote! Help your friends, family, and neighbors. Remind them to make a plan. Every single vote is needed this election. The blue wave must wash over this country like never before. 


A walk down Memery Lane!
Catching up with memes. There's a lot. You've been warned. 


The Leaping Gnome Edition


Putie the Cutie Edition

Steve Breen

Controlling the Weather Edition.

Racist Edition

Unrelated to Politics Edition

and Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day!