Sunday, March 12, 2017

International Women's Day

"Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul."--Coretta Scott King

It was a beautiful Spring Day on Wednesday. I put on a red dress and my fierce pink pussy hat and drove to De La Guerra Plaza for International Women's Day. The Women's March folks put on a rally there. There were a couple hundred people, most in red, to celebrate women and bring awareness to women's rights, especially equal pay and reproductive rights.

It was also to be a Day Without Women. Women were encouraged to strike by refraining from work, shopping, and volunteer activities. I had a light day of work, but there were patients who needed me, so I did make a few visits.

The rally was good.  There were a few people who spoke, and a couple women sang inspirational songs.  We were reminded that not all women are as fortunate as some of us who have the freedom to strike.  We were reminded that the fight for women's rights continues. We must continue the battle for women's rights, especially now with the SCROTUS administration.

Here are my photos and a video:


There were a few media folks there. Here is their coverage.

KEYT: Santa Barbara women rally for International Women's Day
You can spot me in the crowd at :35 in the video!

The Santa Barbara Independent

Here is a photo from Noozhawk. There's my back!

I was surprised by a couple Facebook friends who took offense at the idea of the day, espeically the strike aspect. They posted these pieces.


and from "One America World Network"

This second one is especially offensive --  it's disheartening that women can call other women "hormonal emotional brats." -- but if you can get through her shriek-y demeanor, what strikes me is the irony. She states that a strike is elitist, but both of these pieces really show the lack of empathy and the narrow world view that some on the right embody. It's obvious neither of these women actually talked to women who were taking part in the Day's events. It seems to me both of them kinda missed the point.

As I said in response to both of these posts, though, at least the Day brought women's issues to their attention, and in their anger-filled way, both still gave attention to women's rights.  And they exercised their freedom to loudly and strongly speak their mind, thanks to courageous women who went before.

Yay for women, in all their glorious forms! 


  1. I could only get through half of that blonde chili's video because I like having low blood pressure.

  2. From the first article:

    <<<“I do think if you tell people something long enough, with great passion, they get perhaps inclined to believe it.”>>>

    This is PRECISELY what SCROTUS is doing. Pandering to the basest human emotions. Us versus them. Make America great again. Lowest common denominator appeal.
