Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Man in Black

"I wear the black for the poor and beaten down." - Johnny Cash

I am on an Americana music kick lately, and this morning as I was brushing my teeth, I heard Johnny Cash's song, "Man in Black." I am not sure I ever heard the song before. I'm sure I have; but I don't think I ever HEARD the song before. It's a wonderful protest song, and though it was written and recorded in 1971, I think it's a tribute to our times.

Here he is performing it for the first time at Vanderbilt University.

This afternoon, I heard that many Democratic Members of Congress planned to wear black at the State of the Union Address as a form of protest and in solidarity with the MeToo movement.


Embed from Getty Images

I got to thinking about protest songs. There were so many during the Vietnam Era; they practically defined rock music of the day. I hadn't heard too many this past year. I looked for some contemporary protest songs. I listened to a bunch, and here are some of my favorites.

The song that defined the 2017 Women's March, "I Can't Keep Quiet"

Mac McCaughan, "Happy New Year (Prince Can't Die Again)"


Fiona Apple, "Tiny Hands"

Arcade Fire, "I Give You Power"

Go, Eminem!

Joan Baez, Crusader of Justice since 1959, strikes again.

And my favorite patriotic song done a new way. Chicano Batman, "This Land is Your Land"

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