Friday, June 14, 2019

Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions.

"Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions." – Blaise Pascal

Let's think about the people that make up most of SCROTUS's base: the evangelical right. I have recently had my eyes opened to the realities of the Christian Right in other parts of the country, and how this group is inexorably intertwined with the Political Right.

It is becoming obvious that both groups have a warped view of authority, specifically male authority, more specifically white male authority, and both groups are susceptible to the tactics of abusers. And scarier than that, they embrace this view and promote it as being a good thing. Both groups subscribe to Terror Management Theory, the psychological mechanism that stems from the anxiety and fear of death that drives people to gravitate toward others who share their worldviews and cultural groups, which includes insulating themselves with others who share the same prejudices.

These images have been popping up. These are real, not satire.

A good portion of the religious right also have this warped sense of a woman's "duty" to be servile to her husband. Here is another unapologetic Facebook post, not ironic and not satire. If you check out the page, you'll see she believes this horseshit.

I know that lots of Christian and right-leaning women believe this, and even educated women – I know a few – have preached this lifestyle.

This attitude in the above is alarming. It's allowing abuse. It's rapey. Someone has brainwashed her, and that is scary, for her and for the 91K who "like" the Transformed Wife page.

Take all of that, add it to the war on women, specifically with regard to the forced-pregnancy movement, and we have an alarming, abusive trend in our country.

A lightbulb went off that the ultra-conservative and ultra-Christian are so intertwined because of their basic victim mentality. They are OK with being emotionally abused, and so they further these attitudes along.

Indeed, the larger relationship with Jesus is of this abusive type. An abusive partner, like preachers who talk about Jesus, will tell you that you are nothing without him; you aren't worthy of his love; you need him to be whole; you need him to be happy; only he can save you; you must not leave him; you must think like him; threatens that your life will be much worse without him; uses guilt to manipulate; uses fear to manipulate.

And we have the Abuser-in-Chief. Like a domestic emotional abuser, he lies; he gaslights; he name-calls; he uses character assassination; he mocks you in public and then says "it was just a joke;" he insults your appearance; he belittles your accomplishments; he asserts that he has a right to your body without your consent; he threatens violence.

I submit that the people that are most devoted to SCROTUS are ripe for the abuse. They accept the abuse, and they perhaps feel that they deserve the abuse. It is part of their fabric.

I'm not sure what we can do to combat this set of attitudes, other than to be aware of it, ask questions of those who seem enthralled by SCROTUS and challenge them to think, and continue to be compassionate. And in 2020, we must work to stop the abuse and take back our country into the compassionate, caring, loving arms of the rest of us.

Keep up the resistance.

If you feel that you are being abused and need help to escape your situation, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233

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