Saturday, October 26, 2019

Looking forward: Democrats, get it together!

Hello, Readers!

I just want to make you aware of an excellent editorial series from the Los Angeles Times. It's in seven parts; none of the pieces is very long, and I hope you'll read them. It's great food for thought. We (ha! I'm not a Democrat, but I'm with you, Lefties!) need to get it together in order to defeat the Orange Scourge. Please read it, and think about who you will support and how we'll make this happen in 12 short months from now.

Part 1. Undoing the great mistake from 2016

Part 2. Trump’s presidency is a train wreck. Let us count the ways

Part 3. Sorry, ‘electability’ matters

Part 4. Moderate and progressive Democrats have to unite to win back the White House in 2020

Part 5. Democrats need to talk honestly about race. But can they?

Part 6. Cleaning up Trump’s mess

Part 7. How old is too old to be president?

Resist and VOTE!

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