Tuesday, August 18, 2020

“Deeds, Not Words”

“Deeds, Not Words” - Emmeline Pankhurst, British suffragette

100 years of votes for women!

Today is the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote in the United States. Yup. 144 years after the creation of the union, it was finally decided that women have a voice. 

This year is THE most momentous vote in our nation's history, and we must not squander the right for which our sisters were beaten, tortured, and jailed as they fought for us 100 years ago. This year is extra special because we have a historic ticket. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

It is imperative to get out the vote in these precarious days. COVID risks and the destruction of the post office add extra dimensions, but it is not impossible to get out the vote. Every citizen must act to help rid our country of the orange menace. I implore you to pledge not only to vote, but to do one thing that will help one another vote.

Here are some ideas.

  • Contact your local elections officials and volunteer at the polls. I filled out my application today. Traditionally filled by retired folks, there will be fewer able to safely work the polling places. If you are able and willing, the election needs you! Search here for your local election office. My application was simple. Here is the Santa Barbara County election website. Please consider volunteering.

  • Write postcards to encourage people in swing sates to vote. I took part in Tom Steyer's postcard campaign in 2018. Sign up at Postcards for Swing States or Postcards to Voters. (Note: I didn't completely vet these organizations, but I signed up for both! The New York Times did a piece on the Postcards to Voters group. Here is a piece from The Hill about Postcards for Swing States.)
Most of all, bring people along with you. Be enthusiastic and vocal about voting. 

“The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.” - Ida B. Wells, American suffragette

Let's on turn the light in the voting booth and light this mother up! 

Votes by women.....for women!

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