Saturday, February 13, 2021

"Freedom for the wolves has often meant death to the sheep."

"Freedom for the wolves has often meant death to the sheep." ~ Isaiah Berlin

It's over. No conviction.

Yesterday, another day from the defense, Another fail.

They blathered angrily for three of their allowed 16  hours, talking to their client through the T.V.

Their "defense" included falsities and red herrings:

But Hillary! But what about....! I had to work during the proceedings. I got into my car, and listened to the radio on my way to my patient. The defense was playing out-of-context clip after clip after clip of Democrats, including Hillary, using the word "fight" as lawmakers do to describe their hard work. I went in, saw my patient, and when I got back in my car nearly an hour later, they defense was playing clip after clip after clip of Democrats using the word "fight" as lawmakers do to describe their hard work. No, your client's actions were not simply political rhetoric, nor was it protected under the First Amendment.

Damn the Process! When you have no defense, attack the process. It's just a lot of hot air. There's been bipartisan agreement on the process. Sit down.

The Big Lie! They brought up *sigh* Georgia again. At this point, it's just getting embarrassing. Just leave it!

But Antifa! Again, false equivalents and lies. No, anti-facist agitators were not involved in the January 6 Insurrection. The protests in Oregon have nothing to do with the events inside the Capitol building on January 6. 

The Dems just hate our client! Well, yes, but again, not relevant. Your client perverted his authority, inflamed a mob, failed to uphold his oath, and put lives and our Democracy in peril.

He didn't like that it happened! No, the evidence is clear that he was not horrified, sad, concerned, or any other feeling than satisfied and gleeful. If he can even feel glee. As a sociopath, it's doubtful that he can feel even that.

The defense attorneys just came off as incompetent. It's obvious that they are third-string attorneys. We knew that, as it was difficult for the accused to even find a team to represent him. Their primary objective, we can assume, was not to defend him but to litigate his grievances and give good TV face.

Mr. van der Veen especially seemed incompetent. He was frequently angry and belligerent, and he actually got laughed at when he suggested that depositions would be held in his "office in Phillydelphia." He was out of his depth, and in fact, when you go to his firm's website, you see his specialty in "Phillydelphia" is:
Mr. van der Veen considers it his life’s work to be the voice of injured accident victims and an advocate for the accused. With a tremendous track record of success, he is one of the premier Philadelphia personal injury attorney you can trust to fight for you. 

I can just see him down there at Mar-a-Lago. "Get me the best ambulance chaser in the greater Philly area!"

After a little scuffle over witnesses, the attorneys provided their closing arguments today. Again, the House Managers were powerful and effective. The defense hauled out their tired whataboutisms once again. 

The Senators, eager to go home for a week, voted 43 to 57 on his guilt, acquitting the former president*. Remember those 43 sheep when they are up for reelection. 

I fear for the future of our nation. 

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