Saturday, June 25, 2022

The January 6 Hearings. Part 5: Target DOJ

NOTE: This was mostly completed when the devastating news came from the Supreme Court. I will be addressing the death of Roe v Wade in coming days.

Clay Jones

Thursday's hearing was another bombshell. 

We heard how 45 tried to bulldoze and weaponize the the United States Department of Justice to his ends. His plot was thwarted by a set of patriots, upstanding public servants in the DOJ, who resisted. He wanted them to help him wage a coup. They wouldn't do it. 

We heard three Republican Department of Justice officials: Acting Attorney General Jeffery Rosen, appointed after Bill Barr resigned in December, 2020; his acting Deputy A.G. Richard Donoghue; and the main attorney from the A.G. Office of Legal Counsel, Steven Engel They testified live Thursday with Rep. Adam Kizinger (R-Ill.) questioning. 

By the end of December, 2020 and the beginning of January, 2021, Coup Hand Luke was becoming more and more desperate. He had been told over and over that his claims of fraud were false. He wasn't gaining traction with the states. The next spike he tried to attach to his mace and chain was the DOJ.

My takeaways:

It's important to remember the role of the Department of Justice. It is an independent body, serving the United States of America, upholding the Constitution, and enforcing its laws. Its mission statement: "To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans." Notice it does not say that the A.G. functions as the president's personal attorney. 

Why did the DOJ authorize investigations into state elections at all? The committee asked Bill Barr why the department didn't let the investigations take their own course, at the state level, after January 6? Barr answered, "I felt the responsible thing to do was to be — to be in a position to have a view as to whether or not there was fraud. And frankly, I think the fact that I put myself in the position that I could say that we had looked at this and didn't think there was fraud was really important to moving things forward. And I — I sort of shudder to think what the situation would have been if the — if the position of the department was we're not even looking at this until after Biden's in office. I'm not sure we would have had a transition at all."

Republican members of Congress were amplifying the Big Lie. Republican representatives Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Mo Brooks (Ala.), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Louie Gohmert (Tex.), were all getting on the boob tube and continuing to spout the lies and vilifying the Justice Department to the nation. 

Watch their idiocy here. (It wouldn't let me clip, but this is the beginning of their televised comments as seen during the hearing.)

And they asked for pardons. As Rep. Kinzinger said, "The only reason I know to ask for a pardon is because you think you've committed a crime." These criminals asked for presidential pardons:
  • Mo Brooks of Alabama
  • Andy Biggs or Arizona
  • Louie Gohmert of Texas
  • Scott Perry of Pennsylvania
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
  • Matt Gatez of Florida   Former Whitewash attorney Hershmann (who I am liking more and more as I see his deposition) said Gaetz's request for a pardon was "as broad as you can describe, from beginning ... from the beginning of time up until today for any and all things."

Donoghue took notes. During a long telephone conversation he had on December 27 with 45 and Rosen, Donoghue spontaneously picked up a pad of paper and started taking notes. He documented many of Combover Caligula's statements verbatim, including:
  • "Where is the DOJ?" Rosen and Donoghue tried to educate Calludacris about the roles of the DOJ. They told him that "the DOJ is not quality control" for states' elections, and the department did not have a role in bringing suits surrounding election matters.
  •  The DOJ is "obligated to tell people that this was an illegal corrupt election." They continued to tell him that none of the allegations of fraud had any evidence.
  • "What I'm just asking you to do is to say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen."
The Orange Lump didn't take no for an answer. He continued his pressure campaign, asking acting A.G. Rosen to do two things: to appoint a special counsel to investigate the "massive fraud" (suggesting the whack-job Sydney Powell to be appointed to the role), and to send a letter to the legislative leaders in all the battleground states. The letter was to read in part, "the U.S. Department of Justice's investigations have 'identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election in multiple states.'" Rosen pushed back and said he would do neither. We'll discuss the letter and the former president's* desperate attempt to get it sent in a bit. 

Baby Hands did not have a good grasp on the workings of the government. He asked acting A.G. Rosen to seize voting machines. Rosen informed him that the Department of Homeland Security has the authority over machines. POOTUS immediately dialed up Ken Cuccinelli, number two at the DHS, and said, "I'm sitting here with the Acting Attorney General. He just told me it's your job to seize machines and you're not doing your job."

The conspiracy theories got really really bizarre. And yet, they were investigated. So... ummm.... apparently the Italians were involved in a plot whereby one of their satellites intercepted votes, switched them from Don the Con to Biden, and beamed them back. The plot was conceived and carried out by a guy, you know, some guy. We don't know his name, but here's a picture of a guy with a mask in an airport. There ya go. Proof of massive fraud. Our government officials actually ran this down. The 20-minute YouTube video, culled from the bowels of the internet, was forwarded to the Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller. Get this: the Defense Secretary actually called up the attache in Rome to track the wacko theory down. 

The letter was at the core of the scheme. In order to achieve his ends, SCROTUS asked the acting A.G. to send a letter to the legislators of Georgia and other battleground states alleging fraud in their elections. Acting A.G. Rosen and his deputy Richard Donoghue refused. They continued to tell Drinks with Two Hands, in their nearly daily phone calls and meetings from December 23 until January 3, that the allegations of fraud were false and they would not send a letter. There was a lot of angst about this letter. It was drafted by one of the assistant attorneys general, the leader of the environmental division, Jeff Clark. Assisting was another DOJ lawyer, Ken Klukowski. This fella Clark was sniffed out by magat Rep. Scott Perry (R- Penn.) as a true follower, who believed in all the fraud theories and would bow to the master's commands. 

You can see the draft letter here, with signature lines for Rosen, Donoghue, and Clark. Rosen and Donoghue continued to refuse to sign it.

All of the assistant A.G.s really really dislike Jeff Clark. Descriptive terms: incompetent, unqualified. Donoghue said that when he pointed out to Clark that he didn't have any experience in criminal cases, "he kind of retorted by saying, well, I've done a lot of very complicated appeals in civil litigation, environmental litigation, and things like that. And I said, that's right. You're an environmental lawyer, how about you go back to your office and we'll call you when there's an oil spill." Oh snap!

An aside, to illustrate the character of Clark. NBC News reported: 
Clark has continued to be a presence in MAGA world. He has an account with a few hundred followers on Truth Social, Trump’s social media platform, where his Trump-mimicking handle is @RealJeffClark. 
He has said the Jan. 6 committee is “power drunk and unconstitutional,” and he has shared stories from the conspiracy website Gateway Pundit, including a story about the debunked propaganda movie “2000 Mules.” He has written for the conspiracy website Revolver News about what he described as efforts to “Kill All the Trump Lawyers — By Canceling Them.” He's making appearances on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast. And he's trying to raise money, telling would-be donors that he has "been targeted for cancellation by the hyper-partisan January 6 Committee, the 'mainstream' media, and a collection of leftist law professors and supposed 'Republicans' who are conveniently never-Trumpers."
Another side note. the FBI raided a pajama-clad Clark's home Wednesday night. "They took all the electronics" according to Clark. In another aside, he pled the Fifth 120 times when the committee tried to depose him. Hopefully they'll soon book him into the Graybar Hotel.

But back to the story. Rosen and Donoghue continued to be adamant in pushing back about the fraud allegations and refusing to sign Clark's letter.

Dingus Con had only one recourse to try to bend the DOJ. Get a new attorney general. If Rosen and Donoghue wouldn't sign, Uncle Scam decided he'd simply install Clark as acting A.G. This would be the third A.G. in two weeks. Rosen pointed out this fact at a very important meeting held at the Oval Office on Sunday evening January 3rd, three days before the insurrection. 

This meeting was an extremely pivotal one in the history of our nation. Prior to the meeting, Rosen and Donoghue scrambled to place a phone call to the the rest of the assistant attorneys general (there are six). The pair informed them of the situation and expressed the concern that Rosen would be fired and Clark would be installed. On that phone call, every assistant A.G. said without hesitation that they would resign immediately if this happened. 

Rosen and Donoghue was armed with this information when they met the in the Oval Office, and luckily they were able to convince 45 that their resignations would start a domino of resignations across the justice department and "Jeff Clark would be leading a graveyard." And as such, it would be very bad for 45. Somehow Crooky McCrookpants saw the futility in his plan and decided to give it up. 

He was left with one option to hold on to power: incite violence at the Capitol.

This will be covered in an upcoming hearing. The hearings will resume in mid-July. The committee has uncovered more evidence and needs time to prepare for the next hearing. When they reconvene, LSR will be right here!

If you missed this hearing, please watch it. It is important.

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