Monday, July 4, 2022

Have Hope this Independence Day. Or the Fascists Will Have Won.

Another Independence Day, another struggle. Do we feel like celebrating? 

We need to dig deep again in 2022. Maybe the deepest yet. 

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." – Mark Twain

Here we are, on our most patriotic holiday, our hallowed Independence Day, when we not only celebrate the founding of our country, but all the freedoms that our founding fathers set forth, the progress we have made, and the promise of a more perfect union.

It hasn't been easy in recent years to feel proud of the U.S. In 2020, we were sickened on Independence Day when we had to witness the brazen racism in South Dakota. The year before that, it was hard to feel proud when SCROTUS was planning his Ego Fest Military Parade Rally N Shit. In 2018, friends were quite broken-hearted and finding it hard to be patriotic in the face of the news that children were being separated from their families and held in cages

And now, our rights are being stripped from us, bad people tried to violently take the country away from us, and the United States is becoming a dangerous place, especially for people of color and women. 

But I ask you again, please, dig deep and find your patriotism. Find that kind of patriotism that means supporting the country's ideals, its potential, its best. Cling not to pride for the past, nor the now, but hope for the future. If we don't embrace that hope, then we've given up and the fascists win. 

Patriotism means dissent. 
Patriotism means hope.
Patriotism means optimism.
Patriotism means participation.
Patriotism means effort.
Patriotism means resilience.
Patriotism means resistance.

What does patriotism mean to you?

As Adlai Stevenson II said, "Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." And so, let us be steadily patriotic today, and tomorrow, and the day after that. Let us support the country all the time, even when the government doesn't deserve it. It is our patriotism that will save the United States of America.

There is a movement out there to wear black for Independence Day as a statement against the Supreme Court's decision. I understand; it's a time for mourning. Yet I say to wear the red, white, and blue. It is powerful symbolism. Do not hand it over to those who would pervert it. Really? We're going to turn our flag over to the MAGATS who "love the country" so much that they would overthrow the government? No. Reclaim the flag. "The shame is on the other side." (David Bowie, Heroes)

Fly your flag today for the potential it holds. 

Engage in meaningful celebrations today. Spend time with friends and family. Let your heart swell as you watch the fireworks. 

You can feel outraged the whole time. Feeling disgusted and angry is feeling Patriotic! The reason you are furious and less-than-patriotic is because you instill the very hope and the values that are at our base. Feel the fury! We must not abandon American ideals now! We know that over the last 245 years, we've made progress. We have much more progress to make, and we can't give up now. We must, more than ever, embrace the standards that have driven Americans.

So, go! Enjoy your hotdogs and fireworks today. Create celebrations as well as self-care. Dig down and find your strength as individuals so that we can, together, lift America out of this pit. We need to work hard to make it better!

“Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty. No kind of life is worth leading if it is always an easy life. I know that your life is hard; I know that your work is hard; and hardest of all for those of you who have the highest trained consciences, and who therefore feel always how much you ought to do. I know your work is hard, and that is why I congratulate you with all my heart. I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life; I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt, American Ideals: And Other Essays, Social and Political

Why must we be Patriotic?  Because it's hard.

Go Team Resistance!

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