Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Project 2025 Primer

What's all this about Project 2025? Why should we care?

We should care a lot, because if Hair Hitler gains power in the Whitewash House, what follows would be a swift and sure downward spiral of our country to the trash heap of history. It's dire.

The Basics
Project 2025 is a blueprint for a coup. Plain and simple. The nearly-1000-page plan aims to dismantle our systems throughly and re-form the government toward a right-wing, Christian-nationalist, authoritarian regime.

Their plan is extreme. They want to consolidate power to the president and completely undo our system of checks and balances. What they aim to do, in part, is outlined below: 
  • Drastically change the government by dismantling most government agencies, firing thousands of government employees and replacing them with political appointees. This includes eliminating the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Department of Education, and the overhaul or outright elimination of most other governmental agencies, re-working them into a cog in the machine that the New Republic describes as a, "Christian nationalist vision of the United States, one in which married heterosexuality is the only valid form of sexual expression and identity; all pregnancies would be carried to term, even if that requires coercion or death; and transgender and gender-nonconforming people do not exist."
  • Crack down hard on immigration, by implementing mass deportation, by funding the goddam wall and expanding the powers of immigration agencies. They plan to implement a pay-to-play program, where immigrants with money can expedite their applications. Rich, white Europeans? Ok, Jack. Poor, brown Latin Americans? Send them back!
  • Gut environmental protections by doing away with environmental agencies and eliminating funds for research and development of renewable energy. 
  • Upend our education system by eliminating the Department of Education, implementing school choice and parental control over schools, with eyes on demonizing and eliminating what they call "woke propaganda." They want to public education as we know it.
  • Repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act.
  • Ban pornography completely and shut down tech companies who facilitate access to porn.
  • Make abortion even more difficult by removing mifepristone, medication used in 63% of abortions, from the market. Work toward a nationwide ban on abortion.
  • Eliminate equal protections by removing language from laws that include such terms as “sexual orientation," “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” “gender equality," "abortion," and “reproductive rights." 
  • Dismantle LGBTQ rights by attacking "radical gender ideology" and call for legislation to prohibit school personnel from using a student's preferred gender pronouns and names without written parental permission. 
  • Capsize American families by attempting to "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family," i.e., "marriage is defined as one man and one woman" bullshit. And no more same-sex adoptions.
  • Implement a Christian Nationalist ideology as the mainstream, with centralized, unlimited power to the president.
  • And though it's not spelled out in their manifesto, they now have the power of the Supreme Court behind them with the recent ruling on presidential immunity. Legal challenges to their lunacy will be knocked down.
You can read about Project 2025 at the following sources:

Pat Bagley

The Machinations
The Heritage Foundation is the central organizing force, bringing together almost 100 right-wing groups to finance and man this "army" (their word, not mine). They have gathered many former T**** yes-men into the organization.

They have developed a detailed plan for taking us on a complete and utter collision course with totalitarianism. One of the organizers is actually helping to write the Republican Party Platform in advance of this month's GOP National Convention. 

The group has not only provided the blueprint, but they are gearing up for literal war, given the rhetoric they are using. For example, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts openly called for political violence when he said in a recent War Room (convict Steve Bannon's project) podcast: “We are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

If the left allows it to be. In other words, go down gently and no one gets hurt. 

LSR has two words for Kevin Roberts:  Fuck. You.

The Machinators
The Heritage Foundation is the umbrella organizing body. It has amalgamated almost 100 conservative groups including some you may recognize as stains on our American fabric, such as Family Research Council (founded by James Dobson), America First Legal (headed by the absolute fungus of a human, Steven Miller), and Moms for Liberty, recently named "extremist" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, who have been gunning for LGBTQ students' rights in Florida schools.

Some of the directors of the Heritage Foundation who are instrumental in bringing about Project 2025 are:
  • Former T**** Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller
  • Former T**** Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli 
  • Paul Dans, chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management under T****
  • Spencer Chretien, a former special assistant to the Mango Mussolini and associate director of Presidential Personnel
  • Former T**** Office of Management and Budget official Russell Vought. Vought is currently helping draft the GOP policy platform for the 2024 Republican Convention
  • Peter Navarro, former top trade advisor to T****  and convict, currently in jail. He was convicted for contempt of Congress regarding the January 6 investigation.

The Denial
Last week, King Minus truth-socialed a denial of any knowledge of Project 2025. Weird, since in the same post, he admitted knowledge of Project 2025. He wrote: 
“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

Oh, come on! This denial is complete claptrap, given the top schemers are people that were in his inner circle during his last stint. We're not falling for it.

The Ramifications
One thing that went against Diaper Don in the last administration was that no one, not even he, expected him to win. He was a petulant, disorganized mess, and by that grace of fate he failed in large part from realizing his twisted vision of America. He had competent, truly patriotic people in his cabinet for a large part of his stay in Washington, and the "adults in the room" kept him from truly becoming a dictator. 

But with Project 2025's plan in place, the Supreme Court firmly in his pocket, and the "right" people behind him and beside him, this incompetent, lying, cheap, uneducated, egotistical, bone-spurred, petulant child felon will be just the right puppet for them to implement this plan. He will have their pen; they will have their sword-wielding tyrant. 

The Call to Action
We cannot allow this to happen. We must fight back! Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas gave an impassioned condemnation of Project 2025 in a Congressional hearing a couple months ago. You might remember Rep. Crockett when she recently clapped-back on Empty Gee for her racist comments. Here is this strong woman exposing Project 2025. I am loving Rep. Crockett. 

Resisters, I call on you. Now that you understand Project 2025 better, talk to others. Find a way to educate your friends and family about the threat of Project 2025. It might be a conversation, a meme, or posting a sign or a flyers like Sister Resister Anne did recently.

Keep up your work on defeating T**** from gaining power. Work on electing blue candidates, from president on down. Grassroots activism works. Be part of the solution. We can do this!

P.S. Remember, Resisters, take care of yourselves too. Nourish your body and spirit as we tackle these challenges. It's rule #1 of Resistance! Now, let's do this!

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