"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke." ~ Benjamin Disraeli
Welp. America is now looked upon by the entire world as a bully. An abuser. And worse.
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the Oval Office the other day, and it turned into the worst expression of bullying and abuse we have seen yet. By turning against Ukraine, Trump34 damaged our reputation and standing in the world.
The incident erased any doubt whatsoever that TЯUMP is Putie's bitch.
The meeting was arranged to discuss U.S. aid in exchange for rare earth mineral mining for the United States. Yes, Zelensky was willing to give up mineral rights for aid. He shouldn't have to do that in the first place. That's another story.
But what happened was tragic.
If you can stand to watch it, it's here, in full. Trigger warning: abuse, gaslighting.
The worst of the exchange is here:
How 'bout that ambush?
JD was toady Grover Dill to Shitler's Scut Farkus as they tried to intimidate Zelenksy.
There is so much wrong to this episode, it seems dumb to point it all out. Here we go.
The ambush was started by bright-bulb "reporter" Brian Glenn from right-wing Real America’s Voice, who asked Zelenksy why he wasn't wearing a suit. Watch JD Prince Smarming laugh at that crass and boneheaded question. Watch Secretary of State Marco Rubio try to disappear into the sofa's upholstery (the sofa itself was trying to disappear from JD's ass as well).
Watch that bit here:
The truth is, and a nuanced truth would not enter such a brain as Glenn's, nor The Melon Felon's, that Zelensky is showing solidarity with his brave soldiers who are on the fields fighting for their country. He is dressed as a soldier. Why should he not?
The exchange was escalated by SCROTUS. 100%. The media frames it as "contentious," "heated," "a shouting match," blah blah blah, as if it were two-sided. But Zelensky remained calm, dignified, and unflappable. Yes, he made counterpoints, but he was calm and intelligent as he spoke. He absolutely did not shout. He raised his voice enough to be try to be heard above the barrage of insults, barbs, and baits, but he did not shout.
No, the Traitor Tot started pointing his finger, getting red, and at multiple points he even put hands on President Zelensky. WTAF. It makes my blood boil that he put his hands on him. Watch in that second clip at 3:13 for the worst one.
In fact, watch the clip without the sound. Watch the body language and tell me who is being aggressive and who is being reasonable.
A few comments. Time stamp refers to the second, shorter clip.
"With respect" :19 No. JD. There is no respect.
"Litigate it in front of the American media"?? :19 WTAF? Zelensky was invited there. He was at their mercy, stuck in the chair. He was litigating nothing! Vance is gaslighting here.
"I've watched and seen the stories." :38 JD, watching YouTube videos is not visiting the front lines. Idiot!
"You've allowed yourself to be in a very bad position." 1:39 Classic abuser talk. Blaming the victim for what's been perpetrated against them. He's blaming Ukraine for the invasion by powerful Russia? Please!
"I'm not playing cards.""Yes you are playing cards. You are playing cards." 1:56 ummmm wha???
Mostly this is dominance, taking over the conversation. Gaslighting. Also, Zelensky may not fully understand the idiom of "holding the cards" or "playing your cards right." I don't rightly think TЯUMP does either. He's just throwing words up there and hoping by yelling that they'll stick.
"You're gambling with World War 3." 1:57 Is that a threat?
Again, blaming the victim for what may befall them if they don't get in line. He's also shifting the blame and setting up later "evidence" should the worst befall the victim.
"You should say thank you." 0:31, 2:13 Fuck you. He has said thank you at least 94 times:
By demanding thanks, Prince Smarming is forcing gratitude from the abuser. He's insisting on ingratiation in order to assert dominance and shift the blame.
"If you didn't have our military equipment this war would have been over in two weeks." 3:15 Subjugation: The abuser is the only one who can save the victim.
I love how Zelensky pooh-poohs the notion. "Three days," he waves him off. "I heard it from Putin." Here we are three years later and Russia is not winning.
"No no no you've already said enough." "You've done a lot of talking." 2:41 Fuck you. He can't get a word in edgewise.
Assertion of dominance, gaslighting.
"I think it's good for the American people to see what's going on." 3:44 No, you are playing to one person: your Boss back in Moscow.
The mocking at 4:05. I can feel my blood pressure rising. Abuse, abuse, abuse.
"Obama gave sheets." 4:46 Just weird and wrong and what the hell.
The litany of perceived enemies at 5:39. You can almost see his brain glitch and spin. Must..... spout.... every....talking point.... Hillary.... Hunter...Biden....Shifty Schiff....scam....witch... hunt...laptop....
And by the way, notice how he firmly put himself on Putin's team in that tirade when he said, "Let me tell you Putin went through a hell of a lot with me (emphasis mine). He went through a phony Witch Hunt where they used him..."
Putie was smiling at his little puppet the whole time.
"I've empowered you to be a tough guy and I don't think you'd be a tough guy without the United States." 6:40 The abuser is asserting his savior role. "You're nothing without me!"
"Great television." 7:17 That's what it's all about. That's what it's always ever about. You get your ratings, the world gets fucked.
In sum, the exchange was filled with classic abuse tactics: victim-blaming, gaslighting, insulting, demeaning, insisting on gratitude, turning it around to make the abuser be "owed" something.
It was just gross and triggering and disgusting. It's not what we are about.
After the disaster, Zelenksy was escorted out of the Whitewash House, their press conference cancelled, and the very relationship between the U.S. and Ukraine damaged and in question, as well as the relationship with Europe at large.
King Minus had the audacity to later again blame Zelensky, saying, "I have determined that President Zelensky is not ready for Peace if America is involved, because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage in negotiations. I don’t want advantage, I want PEACE. He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace."
Peace being code for "surrender to the invaders."
Do not forget that the Mango Mussolini tried using him as a pawn once before. For lord's sake, he was impeached for trying to bully Zelensky into helping him in his political goals!
Felon47's relationships are purely transactional. His treatment of Zelenksy was simply to gain favor of his sweetie at the Kremlin.
Americans' Reaction
We're gutted.
What we wanted to see:
Joe Citizen took out an ad in the New York Times at his personal cost of $100,000.
I don't think the U.S. citizens truly understand the consequences of the U.S. turning its back on European allies.
The World's Reaction
Europe understands. Their memories of the horrors of WWII have not faded; the realities of Cold War threats from the U.S.S.R. are still fresh. As Zelensky said, we have a beautiful ocean between here and there. We don't understand the terror of an enemy aggressor at the back doorstep.
Europe was shocked and appalled at the meeting and rallied around Zelenksy and Ukraine. Even before the Oval Office fiasco, members of NATO met in an emergency meeting (without U.S. attendance) to talk about the alarming trend of The United States turning its back against Europe.
There were tons of messages in support of Ukraine and in condemnation for The Salmon Seditionist's behavior.
King Charles invited Zelensky for a visit, and the man known for the highest decorum and proper attire said nothing about the combat fatigues.
Lech Walesa, the Cold War hero leader of Poland's Solidarity movement, along with other heroes of the movement, wrote an open letter to the president. Below is the letter, and here is a NY Times piece about it.
After the US decision to suspend supplies to Ukraine, if the answer was in my gesture it would be "Let's do our part" not a step back. AMEN.
This is the text we signed:
Your Excellency Mr President,
We watched the report of your conversation with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenski with fear and distaste. We consider your expectations to show respect and gratitude for the material help provided by the United States fighting Russia to Ukraine insulting. Gratitude is due to the heroic Ukrainian soldiers who shed their blood in defense of the values of the free world. They have been dying on the frontline for more than 11 years in the name of these values and independence of their Homeland, which was attacked by Putin's Russia.
We do not understand how the leader of a country that is the symbol of the free world cannot see it.
Our panic was also caused by the fact that the atmosphere in the Oval Office during this conversation reminded us of one we remember well from Security Service interrogations and from the debate rooms in Communist courts.
Prosecutors and judges at the behest of the all-powerful communist political police also explained to us that they hold all the cards and we hold none. They demanded us to stop our business, arguing that thousands of innocent people suffer because of us. They deprived us of our freedoms and civil rights because we refused to cooperate with the government and our gratitude. We are shocked that Mr. President Volodymyr Zelenski treated in the same way.
The history of the 20th century shows that every time the United States wanted to keep its distance from democratic values and its European allies, it ended up being a threat to themselves. This was understood by President Woodrow Wilson, who decided to join the United States in World War I in 1917. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt understood this, deciding after the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 that the war for the defense of America would be fought not only in the Pacific, but also in Europe, in alliance with the countries attacked by the Third Reich.
We remember that without President Ronald Reagan and American financial commitment it would not have been possible to bring the collapse of the Soviet Union empire. President Reagan was aware that millions of enslaved people were suffering in Soviet Russia and the countries it conquered, including thousands of political prisoners who paid for their sacrifice in defense of democratic values with freedom. His greatness was m. in. on the fact that he without hesitation called the USSR the "Empire of Evil" and gave it a decisive fight. We won, and the statue of President Ronald Reagan stands today in Warsaw vis a vis of the US embassy.
Mr. President, material aid - military and financial - cannot be equivalent to the blood shed in the name of independence and freedom of Ukraine, Europe, as well as the whole free world. Human life is priceless, its value cannot be measured with money. Gratitude is due to those who make the sacrifice of blood and freedom. It is obvious for us, the people of "Solidarity", former political prisoners of the communist regime serving Soviet Russia.
We are calling for the United States to withdraw from the guarantees it made with the Great Britain in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which recorded a direct obligation to defend the intact borders of Ukraine in exchange for giving up its nuclear weapons resources. These guarantees are unconditional: there is no word about treating such aid as an economic exchange.
Lech Wales, b. political prisoner, Solidarity leader, president of the Republic of Poland III
Mark Bailin, b. political prisoner, editor of independent publishing houses
Severn Blumstein, b. political prisoner, member of the Workers' Defense Committee
Teresa Bogucka, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition and Solidarity
Gregory Bogut, b. political prisoner, activist of democratic opposition, independent publisher
Mark Borowik, b. political prisoner, independent publisher
Bogdan Borusewicz, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Gdansk
Zbigniew Bujak, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Warsaw
Władysław Frasyniuk, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Wrocław
Andrew Gintzburg, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Richard Grabarczyk, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Alexander Janiszewski, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Peter Kapczy otrski, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Mark Kossakowski, b. political prisoner, independent publicist
Christopher the King, b. a political prisoner , independence activist
Jaroslav Kurski, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Barbara Swan, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Bogdan Lis, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Gdansk
Henryk Majewski, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Adam Michnik, b. political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition, editor of independent publishing houses
Slavomir Najniger, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Peter the German , b. political prisoner, journalist, and printer of underground publishing houses,
Stefan Konstanty Niesiołowski, b. a political prisoner , independence activist
Edward Nowak, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Wojciech Onyszkiewicz, b. political prisoner, member of the Workers' Defence Committee, Solidarity activist
Anthony Pawlak, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition and underground Solidarity
Sylwia Poleska-Peryt, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Christopher Push, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Richard Push, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity,
Jacek Rakowiecki, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Andrew Severn, b. political prisoner, actor, director of the Polish Theater in Warsaw
Witold Sielewicz, b. political prisoner, printer of independent publishing houses
Henryk Sikora, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Christopher Siemien Krski, b. political prisoner, journalist, and printer of underground publishing houses
Gra ,yna Staniszewska, b. a political prisoner, leaders of Solidarity of the Beskids region
George Degrees, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Joanna Happy, b. political prisoner, editor of Solidarity underground press
Ludwik Turko, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Matthew Wierzbicki, b. political prisoner, printer and publicist of independent publishing houses
It was transparent that the televised meeting with Zelensky was a set-up. All for an audience of one: Vladimir Putin, who was watching it live-streamed by Russian state media TASS, who despite not being on the "official list" of media outlets, was right there, in the president's Oval Office, to beam it back to the boss.
I repeat: TASS media was there. AP and Reuters were not.
I read this analysis of the one-two punch from JD and Trumpty-Dumbty. It's apt.
What Vance did yesterday, in Hollywood terms, is called "The Stranger in the Room." Screenwriters, especially, are well aware of the role of The Stranger in the Room. The Stranger in the Room is anyone in a meeting who is just there "as a friend," someone who has no creative authority on, and no stake in, the project being discussed, anyone in the room who is a last-minute addition. Sometimes it's a 20-something intern, sometimes it's an executive from a sister office, sometimes it's someone from marketing, sometimes it's an older, more experienced producer who's lending a hand for a day.
Example: I was once pitching a legacy reboot project to a legendary producer, a real lion of the industry. His 22-year-old daughter was also in the room. She interrupted my pitch to say "Right, but we don't want, like, any conflict in the movie."
The purpose of The Stranger in the Room is to destroy the project. The Stranger in the Room is the one who, after the writer and producer and director have all agreed on the direction of the story, says "How will that play in China?" or "This sounds a lot like [movie X]" or "But isn't this movie really about love?"
The Stranger in the Room is always, always there at the behest of the most powerful person in the room. Whether the Stranger understands it or not, they are acting on the behalf of the studio, and it is the studio's natural desire to say "no," because no one has ever gotten fired for saying "no," and Hollywood executives, more than anything else, spend their entire careers terrified they're going to lose their jobs for saying "yes."
But they don't want to be disliked by creatives, so instead of saying "no," they bring in a friend, either a protege or an ally from another department, or just grab someone from the hallway, a producer on another project, and ask them to sit in on the meeting. They don't know what they're looking for, they hear a hundred pitches a day, they don't know what, if anything, will please their bosses, so they bring in an ally to get another viewpoint, any viewpoint, on the project, so that they can then say "no" without looking like an asshole. Instead, they can say "Yes, that's a good point, we have to keep in mind the China market," or "Yeah, this DOES sound a lot like [movie X] now that I hear it out loud," or "Yeah, what about love? We're forgetting all about love, why isn't your action movie pitch really about love?"
And then, suddenly, the balance in the room shifts. Suddenly, a collaboration, a negotiation as it were, becomes an argument. Where, just moments earlier, everyone was agreeing on how awesome the project sounded, now, suddenly, the creatives are on one side and the suits are on the other, and the meeting becomes a power struggle, one the creatives can only lose, because the suits have the money and the creatives only have the art.
So, in Hollywood terms, Zelenskyy was the writer/director/producer, Trump was studio executive terrified of losing his job, and Vance was the disinterested ally brought in to bring up some random point that would turn the negotiation into an argument that the writer/director/producer cannot possibly win. I'll leave it up to you to figure out who studio head is.
"When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense — to fight the government." ~ Alexander Hamilton
Taking another breather from the barrage of bad news and terror. There's a lot of it, and we'll get back to it in the next post. For now, we are going to take a breath and look our self-defense.
The Resistance
There's been a lot of pushback. We've enjoyed watching international leaders all the way down to anonymous hackers reject the current administration's nutsobananas acts. Some has been serious, and some snarky. It all matters.
The Snark
Some glorious hackers got into the TV monitors throughout the building at Housing and Urban Development and put up an AI video of Elon Musk (with two left feet, no less), having his toes serviced by his poppet puppet. Here it is, with Rachel Maddow embodying how we all feel watching this.
The New York Times has a very New York Times-y version here, saying it "appeared to be" AI. 🙄
Well played, hackers. Well played.
The Army chorus serenaded King Minus at the White House Governors Ball with the Epilogue chorus from Les Misérables.
I'm sure the meaning was lost on the Burger King. It was not lost on We The People. We are ready.
Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light
For the wretched of the earth
There is a flame that never dies
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise.
They will live again in freedom
In the garden of the Lord
They will walk behind the plough-share
They will put away the sword
The chain will be broken
And all men will have their reward!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes!
Tomorrow comes!
Tomorrow comes!
This Wyoming constituent who had a point to make, which was completely lost on the chair of the committee in a State senate proceeding.
Artists and satirists are making fun.
Look at a recent Stephen Colbert monologue, or Jimmy Kimmel.
Sarah Cooper's satire is unmatched.
Of course, the editorial cartoonists and meme-makers
Art is extremely important in fraught times like these. Support those who make it.
The Serious, Non-Snarkical Pushback
Resignations at DOGE
I hadn't known that DOGE had taken over an already-existing department and just rebranded it, retaining the federal employees staffing the Department Previously Known as the U.S. Digital Service. The department was responsible for a lot of the design and technology side of the government. The staff has a lot of technical skills.
Turns out, this week almost two dozen employees resigned in protest, saying in a joint letter, "We will not use our skills as technologists to compromise core government systems, jeopardize Americans’ sensitive data, or dismantle critical public services. We will not lend our expertise to carry out or legitimize DOGE’s actions."
SRO Town Halls
Town Hall meetings across the country have been well attended, and often contentious. The People are taking their role as Boss seriously. It's a very good thing!
In some Red states, the meetings have become so contentious that the Repug party has told GOP representatives to forego holding town halls. The are scared. Cowards!
Democrat Gov. Janet Mills from Maine tussled with SCROTUS while she was at the Whitewash House for a governors' meeting. She pushed back when the topic of high school transgender athletes came up. Watch here:
Thank you, Gov. Mills!
President Macron
I love this. French President Emmanuel Macron pushed back on Clown Caligula's claims that Europe is "loaning" money to Ukraine and that they'll get it all back while the U.S. is out the funds.
Macron corrects Trump after he claims "Europe is loaning the money to Ukraine. They get their money back."
You can see Shitler's man parts shrivel and squinch.
Jane Fonda
Ms. Fonda gave an impassioned speech when she accepted the Life Acheivemant Award at the Screen Actor Guild Awards this week.
Dr. Teresa Borrenpohl
And this woman! Dr. Teresa Borrenpohl spoke out at an Idaho Republican town hall meeting. She was mocked and accosted. She was forcibly drug out by men in unmarked uniforms, who did not answer her requests to identify themselves. While they were dragging her, the speaker was mocking her, calling her "little girl."
Here is the scene. Trigger warning: Violence against women
Brownshirt THUGS acted unlawfully and violated numerous rights: her First Amendment right to free speech and right to peacefully assemble were violated, as well as her Fourth Amendment right against unlawful search and seizure.
And you know what was almost as bad? That no one stood in their way! I want everyone to think about what you would do in this situation. Prepare yourself mentally for your next encounter. Will you stand by and watch? Will you politely move so that the thugs can get their hands on a person behaving lawfully?
This is not going to be the last incident of its kind.
There was a lot of fallout to this episode. Initially, Ms. Borrenpohl was cited for misdemeanor battery, accusing her of biting one of the men. That charge has been dropped. The firm that handled "security" was fired. The police are investigating.
I hope that Ms. Borrenpohl hires a good civil rights attorney and sues the hell out of them. There is a GoFundMe started on her behalf, which has amassed more than $320,000.
I wanna read this story when it comes out. ProPublica is a strong journalist organization.
The National Park Rangers
Park empolyees at Yosemite climbed El Capitan and hoisted the flag in its distress position: Upside down.
I again entreat you to follow AltNPS on your social media of choice. AltNPS on BlueSky is safest and will persist if they are shut down on Facebook or Threads.
“Action is the antidote to despair.” – Joan Baez
It really is! I have been feeling better, more empowered, and less despairing when I do a daily action. My actions are across the board, but I try to do something every day. I may call or fax my MoCs, write some postcards, attend a demonstration, donate to a good cause, or other subversive acts. I've been more hopeful in these days.
Small acts matter. They add up. What if you just write one postcard a day to support a candidate? What if you just donate just $5 to the ACLU? When 100 people do the same thing, it's a statement. When 1000 do, it's a movement. When 1,000,000 do, it's a mandate.
I know, I know. LSR you harp on this every single post.Because it's important!
So, here are ideas. Not many of these are new.
Economic Boycott on February 28. Hey! That's today!
Do not spend a single dollar today, unless it is at locally owned businesses (use cash). If millions of us do this, we can send a message to corporations.
We'll see what impact we make; I hope it does make an impact. There will be more of this type of protest. For example, planned boycotts include the following. Mark your calendars.
• March 7 through 14 — Amazon boycott.
• March 21 through 28 — Nestle boycott.
• April 7 through 14 — Walmart boycott.
• April 18 — Economic blackout, asking shoppers to avoid spending any money, including fast food and gasoline.
• April 21 — General Mills boycott.
Sign up for your local Indivisible group's newsletters. Just sign up and read for now. There are action items there. Read them and consider which one you can do.
Find a local protest (hint: Indivisible will point you to one). Plan to go.
Consider this. Non-violent campaigns work. These studies show that it takes just 3.5% of the population to rise up peacefully for oppressive regimes to topple. It doesn't take many to bend the needle, but we need every one of this 3.5%. It is important to take up the slack for your friends and neighbors who won't, or can't, act.
Please take the time to read that article. Get your head around the fact that we need bodies in the streets. We need your body.
There are lots of reasons why non-violent demonstrations are the most important tool. Gear up, resisters, and be ready for a call for non-violent action. Make a sign or two in advance, even a small one.
TL:DR version:
When you do go to a protest, though, please be prepared for ensuring your own safety, which includes considering that there may be violence from the other side. Have a back up plan ready; memorize the phone number of a person who is not attending, as well as the number for a lawyer. Write emergency contact number on your body in sharpie. Bring food and water and wear appropriate clothing. Always be aware of your surroundings, and be alert to an escape route.
Here's a new one. A postcard campaign on the Ides of March.
On March 15th, millions will mail postcards to the Whitewash House. We did a similar thing in 2017. I wrote about it in this post from April 7, 2017, "Tell Them What To Do!"
Get your pens ready. Find the passionate or the snarky words.
On March 15, mail your postcards to:
President (for now) Donald J. Trump (or the nomenclature of your choice)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Remember: We. Will. Win.
Tell yourself this every day. DO NOT GIVE IN TO THE DESPAIR!
Lastly, not a meme at all, but a piece LSR wrote in 2019 for the Great International Scavenger Hunt (GISH). The item was "Right the Great American Novel." I did so.
I doubt that this is what anyone had envisioned for this mostly-visual-items scavenger hunt.
In honor of Senator Turtle's announcement that he is not running for reelection in 2026, I present, "The Rapes of Wraith, Chapter Three."
The National Mall was edged with a mat of tangled, broken protest signs, and the protest signs were heavy with wit and angst to catch a congressman’s eye, and entreaties to fasten in the ear of a lawmaker; equal rights waiting to be heard and implemented; every cry armed with a pierce to express their wants, and all waiting for legislation, for a Senator’s courage or the will of a Representative, all powerful, but armed with compassion and hope, and each possessed a voter registration card.
The sun lay on the grass and warmed it. And over the grass at the Reflecting Pool Senator Turtle from Kentucky crawled, turning aside for nothing, dragging his cheap suit over the grass: His chin set and yellow-nailed hands wringing wickedly, not really walking but boosting and dragging his shell along. The cries for compassion and common sense slid off his shell, and the entreaties for impeachment bounced off him and fell to the ground. His horny beak was partly open and his fierce, beady eyes, under brows like fingernails, stared straight ahead. He came over the grass leaving a slimy trail behind him, and Capitol Hill, which was the People’s Chamber, reared up ahead of him. At last he started to climb the Capitol steps. As the steps grew steeper and steeper, the more frantic were the efforts of the Turtle Senator. Pushing little legs strained and slipped, boosting him along, and the horny head protruded as far as the wrinkled neck could stretch. Little by little, Senator Turtle climbed up the steps until at last a hall cut straight across his line of march, a chamber 230 years old. As though they worked independently, the legs pushed the turtle across the hall. The head upraised and peered over the metal detector to the rotunda. For a moment Senator Turtle rested. A red-faced protestor ran toward him, and suddenly head and legs snapped in, and the little tail clamped in. The protestor’s hopes were crushed by ancient white Southern ideas. For a long moment Senator Turtle lay still, and then the neck crept out and the old beady frowning eyes looked about and the legs and tail came out. The old legs went to work, straining like GOP elephant legs, and further and further the legs boosted him, further and further to the right, until at last there was no center, the right went further right. The tenets of the U.S. Constitution were crushed in his yellow hands.
Now the going was easy, the legs worked and the shell boosted along, waggling from side to side. A microphone held by a forty-year-old reporter approached. She saw Senator Turtle and swung to the right, her voice screamed and a cloud of dust boiled up. The reporter skidded back into the hall, and went on, but more determined. Senator Turtle had jerked into his shell, but now he hurried on, for the reporters were burning hot.
And now a refugee child approached, and as she came near, the child saw Senator Turtle and swerved to confront him. Her teary eyes begged and flipped everyone’s emotions like a tiddly-wink, except Senator Turtle, who rolled on. The Senator went back to his course along the right side. His yellow nails caught the elevator button and little by little the car descended.
The sobs were unheard and the protestors, reporters, and children were stuck in the hall. And as Senator Turtle crawled into the elevator, his heels crushed hopes for fairness and equality. Senator Turtle entered the elevator and jerked himself along, leaving American ideals in the dust. The old beady eyes looked ahead and the horny beak opened a little. His yellow finger nails pressed the “up” button.