Monday, January 30, 2017

"The history of liberty is a history of resistance." - Woodrow Wilson

Welcome to my Little Corner of the Resistance!
I am Citizen, Mother, Daughter, Little Sister, Resister, and a Woman Ready to Act.
Since the election on November 8, 2016, my emotions have been overwhelmed. I've been scared, disgusted, worried, angered, saddened, and overall outraged, as so many of us have. I have felt overwhelmed and anxious, not knowing what I can do to help the Resistance. I have felt adrift, floating among so many important, pressing issues. I didn't know where to start or how to help. It felt devastating. It still does. We're 10 days into the new era of the White House Travesty.  It's going to be a long 4 years. 

I miss writing. Years ago, for several years, I wrote a blog, mostly to share family news with my family. Facebook overtook that, but I miss writing and posting photographs.
Now, with the shit show that is the new administration and a brand new keyboard, I decided I wanted to write again. The purpose of Little Sister Resister is firstly, to chronicle this moment in American History, from my Little Ol' Eyes. Secondly, to express myself fully, where I can't or don't want to on Facebook. That platform is so clogged, and people reading there have short attention spans. But mostly, this serves is to clarify my own political and resistance thoughts. I think better when I write, so I shall write and think and formulate plans. This process will perhaps shape my journey.
I don't really expect an audience, though readers will be welcome. This is for me. If you are here sharing the journey, thank you for coming along. This is a big moment in America.
My first act of resistance was on January 21, 2017. I took part in the Women's March in Los Angeles the day after the inauguration.  It energized me and gave me hope. I shall start there with my memories in the first Real Post of my new blog.
Thank you for reading Little Sister Resister.

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