"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy." --John Adams
Little Sister Resister has been interested in Politics for a long time. I'm not sure when or why my interest started. I don't recall any specific childhood memories or discussions that sparked my interest. I've always had a very independent mind (read: "stubborn smarty-pants"), so I suppose my interest grew rather organically. Perhaps my siblings can illuminate any early political "stuff" for me.
I also have been a prolific letter-writer. I wrote to my mother throughout my life. She was a prolific saver-of-things, and she saved every letter I wrote to her. She returned them to me a few years ago. I put each letter into a plastic page protector and filled four binders with them. I'm so glad she saved them. It's a kick to randomly read a letter and peer into the mind of younger Little Sister Resister.
I went back to read what I wrote about the first elections that I participated in. Here is what Baby Sister Resister wrote to her mom while she was in college.
From November 3, 1982, my first-ever election:
"I voted yesterday - Yahoo! The trouble is that the people & things I voted for didn't win. (Well, some of them, anyway). It really surprised me, though. California is supposed to be such a liberal state, but both Senator & the Gov are republicans! And the Nuke Freeze Initiative barely passed, and the Bottle Bill & Hand Gun Bill didn't make it. I think this country is in trouble, If California goes that way...."
and Little Sister Resister's first General Election:
"Speaking of voting, how did you like the election? What a twerp Reagan is. It was my first Presidential election. What a horrible one to be the first. I think California is an exciting place to vote in. There are always marvelously controversial "Propositions" on the ballot. At least we don't have to listen to commercials (I never did see a political ad on TV - never saw a TV!) or get things thrust under our noses anymore."
My ballot stub from my first General Election!

Thanks for reading!
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