Friday, April 21, 2017

This Week in Our Nightmare

"The world's not a very comfortable place if you have a nightmare to face." -- Tommy Lee Jones

The nightmare continues.

We're on Day 91. I've been getting better about being less anxious. I'm not waking up at night in a panic with thoughts about "What the hell is going on with my reality?" I'm getting better at detaching and looking at this as a project that needs to be completed.  If we are outraged every moment, that is not good for us and we won't be able to complete the project.  We gotta keep resisting, whenever and however we can.

But though my personal emotional state is calming a bit, the reality is:  What the hell is going on with my reality??

A recap of recent events.....

It was a week of Ivanka.

She is now an Official Government Employee, working as her daddy's right-hand gal.  And boy, has she been working it!

Ivanka Trump got patents from China.
Ivanka Trump thanked the president of Turkey.
Ivanka Trump influenced SCROTUS to send the missiles to Syria.

* She sat in on a state dinner with the President of China.  Shortly thereafter, her company got approval from the Chinese Government for three patents for her products.  She nominally  has recused herself from the day-to-day operations of her company and put it in a family trust, but Come ON!  Really?  Ethics much?

She loves China.  Her little girl is being used for China's sake too, singing the Chinese National Anthem for all in China to see on Instagram!

I'm a bargain shopper and sometimes I see Ivanka dresses (made in China) in Ross, where I often shop. I accidentally touch them sometimes.  Luckily I always have the hand sanitzier on me. Ick Ick Ick! TЯUMP cooties!

* Ms. IT was also sucking up to the Turkish dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and clearly CLEARLY mixing business with government. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

* Little bro Eric told the world that  Ivanka urged her Daddy to strike Syria with those missiles. Obviously since her Dad's head is filled with Cheeto dust, she has to tell him what to do.

In other news....

The biggest embarrassment, and most dangerous loss of credibility for the United States, was when SCROTUS lied about sending an "Armada" toward North Korea.

Yeah, no.  The USS Carl Vinson carrier group was heading the other direction.  A few thousand miles away.  Kind of a big deal.  No one believes you, you BUFFOON!  And that is a problem. Nobody knows anything. And they say a whole lot of stuff that amounts to the same.

Not only that, but he may not even know who the leader of North Korea is! He refers to Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung as "this gentleman."                                                      

Just over a week ago, Spicey made a horrible, horrible, holocaust-denying statement during his press briefing. He's an idiot. He lies. He obfuscates. He is demeaning. He should go.

At least we have Melissa.

There were plenty more embarrassing, dick-ish moves during the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Whitewash House:

* Melania had to remind him to cover his heart during the national anthem.

* He dissed a young man who asked him to sign his hat by signing it and then tossing the hat into the crowd.


* He continued to try to sell his base, apparently a bunch of 5-year-olds, on making 'mercia great again.

This week there were also more concerns on the serious side of things:

* This week, it was reported that ExxonMobil had sought a US Sanctions Waiver for Russia Oil Deal.

* SCROTUS signed another foolish, ill-concieved executive order, insisting on "Buy American/Hire American."  It sounds so good, but reality is more complex.  And, of course, it is completely hypocritical of him and his family, who manufacture much of their clothing and goods in other countries. Here is a slightly old link of the list of countries where they have manufacturers.

* And today, Jeff Sessions seemed to forget that Hawaii is one of our 50 states, with American judges who rule on law.

Thank goodness for Stephen Colbert who summed up the week's events with much more humor than I could ever muster!

And now for baby goats in pajamas. Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. For the record he did not lie about the location and bearing of the Carrier Armada, he simply did not bother to ask anybody where it was.
    He is easily influenced by whomever he has last had dealings with.
