Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Jim Morin - thanks, Big Sister Resister!

“In the adjustment of the new order of things, we women demand an equal voice; we shall accept nothing less.” - Carrie Chapman Catt

The old white men running Congress have been quaking, and they've been assailing Liberals for assailing old white men. For example, a tweet by the icky ultra-right-wing-nazi-retweeter Rep. Steve King (R-IA):

Here's the thing.

It's not old. It's not white. It's not men. And it's not all old white men. It's the institutionalized version of old white men who have been in power for too, too long in our Country.

It's not necessarily a vote *against* old white men, it's a vote *for* inclusion of many other groups. Heck, if an old white man has a good head on his shoulders and will govern for the "many" and not for the "money," and is not institutionalized in the old white man ways, then heck yeah I'll vote for him! I considered voting for John McCain for example. And I voted for verrrry old, verrrry white Ross Perot! There are plenty of good old white men! But I admit – all things being equal, if there are two well-qualified candidates, I will go for the person who is not an old white man. We need change! And we need diversity!

Simply put, old white men don't represent all of us. They don't understand all of us. We need, among others, old white women, young Latina women, young white men, young Black men, old Black women, AND old white men in government.  We need more immigrant, LGBTQ, low-income, and middle-class Americans in Government.  We need the melting pot in United States Government!

Including the Supreme Court! As Ruth Bader Ginsburg famously answered in 2015 to the question of when will there be enough women the Supreme Court? "When there are nine."

The old white men should be scared. Their house of cards is about to topple. Women are strong, we have numbers, and we are motivated! Indeed, a revolution is coming. We are poised to drain the swamp. The right way. And if this movement "scares" men into behaving better, then we're on the way to better days!

How will the revolution happen? Not only are more women running, as I outlined in my last post, but women are more active in organizing, campaigning, donating, and VOTING. And women are leaning hard left. Since the GOP is the party of old white men, Republicans have every reason to be afraid.

Here is an excellent analysis of woman voting trends by NPR's Danielle Kurtzleben. Read it and check out the graphs she included, some of which I include here.

Historically, women have outnumbered men at the polls, both for midterm elections and for Presidential elections. As you can see in the chart below, according to the Center for American Woman and Politics at Rutgers University, the average turnout is about 42% overall at the midterms and 61% overall for President. Women outnumber men by about 3 points across the board. I'm interested to see what the numbers will be in this election. In past "normal" years, when we were able relax about our government chugging along, many folks let midterms float by without a thought. The 2018 midterms, just five short weeks away, are the most highly anticipated in my memory. I am interested to see what the polling numbers will be.

And women are leaning left. This chart shows the differences in how men tend to vote Republican and women tend to vote Democrat, this year is projected to be a hard left turn for women.

So, yeah. A revolution is underway. With the momentum of the #MeToo movement and the contemptible behavior of so many old white men poised to confirm a despicable man to the Supreme Court, the urgency is real. According to a new poll by Quinnipiac University, women overwhelmingly believe Dr. Ford over Brett Kavenaugh, and are opposed to his confirmation. More than ever, women are ready to revolt.

Make your voice heard. Loudly. Vote in the Revolution on November 6!

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