Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Little Sister Resister's Words Two Years Ago

Just putting them here. I wrote this just after the election, and before I started this blog. My Facebook post from November 13, 2016.  Link

Others have said it but I feel the need to say it in my words.

An open letter to those who support Trump.
This isn’t about politics. Of course the country was built on differing views. Of course the pendulum swings back and forth. Many Republican ideas and ideals are worthy. Many Republican leaders are to be admired. I think we all agree that differing views and strong debate is healthy for our country, and should be embraced.

This election isn’t about that.

I, like most of us on the Left, don’t think that all of you on the Right are racist, homophobic, or misogynist as individuals. I don’t think you are a racist because you didn’t vote for Obama, nor do I think you are misogynist because you didn’t vote for Hillary. It’s simple: Your candidate ran on a platform of Hate. You endorsed the hate by voting for him. You have the responsibility for bringing into power the most dangerous man ever placed in the White House. Many Republican leaders agree with me and rebuked him, including Bush 41.

I protest not because of a “disappointment.” We’ve been disappointed before. The Presidency was also taken from Gore, who won the popular vote. We were disappointed then, but we persevered. We went on, encouraging our progressive leaders to continue to fight for our ideals. At that time, we didn’t feel the need to protest in the streets. That was disappointment.
This is devastation. 
I and my fellow Liberals are truly and rightfully afraid for what will happen to our country. More than ever in our lifetimes, we are deeply afraid. I was concerned under Reagan and under the Bushes. But I was not fearful. Fearful for my friends’ and neighbors’ health and well-being. Yes, you’re right, the country will go on. We have for 240 years. As long as the President keeps his hands off the Red Button, it’ll go on for another 240. Around Facebook I’ve been told, “There, there, Karen, your life will not change much.” Yes, as a post-child-bearing, wealthy, white woman in a safe bubble in a wealthy town in Liberal California — yes! You are probably right. But my life does not stop at that bubble. My heart aches for people who are not me. As this affects them, it affects me. They are my family, my friends, my neighbors, my patients, and strangers, too, and I worry for them all. They are LGBQ, immigrants, Muslims, African Americans, Latin@s, all people of color, women. I can never know their struggles completely, but I hurt for their struggles. And I want to help. 
So, please don’t tell us to “stop whining.” You say that your angst was similar for the last eight years. If that is true, then you know not to trivialize another’s grief by saying “grow up,” “you should be ashamed,” and “stop whining.” If you expressed your grief to me, I can guarantee you didn’t hear those kinds of things from me. I respectfully submit, however, that this grief is not the same as yours. This goes far beyond. Still, If I’m wrong and your anger was as deep as ours, then you understand our strong need to protest, to motivate, and to work for change — and you will respect that.

If you reject the labels of racist, homophobic, misogynist, then speak up against those who are. Speak up when you hear or see bigoted words and behaviors. And ask your President-elect to do the same thing.
We don’t endorse the violence that has arisen from the protests. Of course we repudiate it, just as much as you repudiate the violence and hate from the repugnant ones in your party, such as White Supremacists, abortion clinic bombers, or the Westboro folks. We are not those people who riot, who start fires and who break windows. If you think we are, then you don’t know us very well.

I shall continue to be a part of the majority of Americans who are empathetic, inclusive, and progressive. I care deeply and I will not “stop whining.” I invite you to join us to motivate for what we all want: the safest, strongest, most just country we can be.

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