The end is nigh. He can feel it. We can all feel it!
He was never cut out for the job, and as much as his he and his base love to remind us of the fact that a non-politician "common man" got the job to "drain the swamp," it is a failed experiment. This one is about to go into the history books.
This is what has been on our minds, and what is leading to the End of Times.
The new Congress arrives in just a few days, ready to re-start investigations and issue subpoenas -- good for our country, lethal for the presidency.
Mueller's report is expected to be released in the near future -- good for our country, lethal for the presidency. Some say the report will never be made public, while others say it's already been made public -- we just need to know how to read it. In any case, more indictments are to be made, I'm sure. The judge that was set to sentence Michael Flynn hinted strongly to him that he should postpone sentencing and keep talking... all the while throwing around the T-word (Treason).
45 alone is responsible for a government shutdown, closing in on a week's duration. A couple weeks ago, he said he would be "proud" to take responsibility for a shutdown. Republicans in Congress, those who could try to bail him out, shrugged and went home for Christmas. Nothing's getting done til the new Congress. By the way, today SCROTUS inexplicably said that most of the furloughed people are Democrats and that his ever-present "many people" (those voices in his head) have told him that federal workers embrace the shutdown so that we may get our wall. What the bloody hell?
The stock market has been highly volatile. The Dow dropped 2,805 points between December 13 and December 24, then gained back almost half of that the last two days, when Wednesday the Dow gained 1,050 points, the largest 1-day point gain in history, and today after dropping 600 points, by day's end the Dow ended 260 points higher. The volatility is directly due to SCROTUS's mouth noises about firing the Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and then sending Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to talk about banks' liquidity, causing concern about a problem that wasn't a problem. The New York Times calls 45 "King Minus."
Talking head are sounding the alarm that this presidency is in a downward spiral, including MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews, as well as conservative commentator David Brooks, who said the "membrane around Trump is failing" and we see "Trump really hurting himself, and maybe not serving out the term."
Republicans are turning their backs on him; and he is literally "all alone," since Gen. Mattis, the best man that still stood with him, finally reached his limit, as so many have.
The AP published an analysis that shows his core is starting to crack. And it's not only voters he is losing. The GOP leadership is backing away as well. The Mattis resignation, among other issues, bothered a lot of Republican leaders -- even the most staunch TЯUMP supporters like Sens. McConnell (R-KY) and Rubio (R-FL). Meet the Press's Chuck Todd asserted that we're looking at "the beginning of the functional end of presidency."
Meet the Press moderator @chucktodd looks at Republican lawmakers' response to the government shutdown and the importance of Gen. Mattis resigning. "We may look back on the Mattis resignation as the beginning of the functional end of this presidency," Todd says.— TODAY (@TODAYshow) December 23, 2018
The Toddler-in-Chief is showing the strain. He has been acting increasingly erratic. His tweets are all over the place. Though he was all bluff and bluster saying that he's not concerned and that "the people would revolt" if he were impeached, there are reports that secretly is quite concerned about the possibility.
And the possibility is real. If there was any case for impeachment of a president in our nation's history, it's this one. Two presidents before were impeached and later acquitted by the Senate: Andrew Johnson in 1868, for violating the Tenure of Office Act, and Bill Clinton in 1998, for lying about a dalliance with an intern. Both were acquitted. Though never formally charged with a crime himself, Nixon was threatened with impeachment in 1974, but resigned before proceedings.
Nixon counsel John Dean, who was convicted of obstruction of justice during Watergate, has been critical of 45 since day one. His prediction back in January 2017 was that the presidency would end "in calamity." He now compares the current administration to Nixon's being a "brief idyllic daydream."
Trump’s is making the long nightmare of Nixon’s Watergate seem like a brief idyllic daydream. History will treat Nixon’s moral failures as relatively less troubling than Trump’s sustained and growing decadence, deviousness and self-delusive behavior. Nixon=corrupt; Trump=evil.— John Dean (@JohnWDean) November 4, 2018
And Dean has recently asserted that the new Congress will have "little choice" but to start impeachment proceedings.
Elizabeth Drew, who covered Watergate for the New Yorker wrote in an Op/Ed that impeachment is inevitable.
Just how will this end, Little Sister Resister? Waaaay back at the beginning of this blog, I laid out how it might end. Let me update my predictions, worth all the pixels used to write them.
I think impeachment proceedings will begin, and with the greater numbers of Republicans turning their backs on him, there is a possibility of the Senate having the numbers who would vote to impeach.
I don't think this man has the smarts or the grace to bow out and resign before impeachment can happen. He is not a quitter, and all his lies and delusions are not going to go away. He'll just gain more "enemies." He won't resign. BUT ol' Cadet Bone-Spurs has found ways of getting out of sticky situations before in the name of health. A doctor made up something to get him out of going to Vietnam. A doctor made up something to help get him elected. A doctor made up something to help keep him in office. A doctor can make up something to help him resign for "health reasons." This would give him the out he needs.
Meanwhile, we are chilling the champagne.
Happy 2019, Brother and Sister Resisters! It will be a good year. A very good year.
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Daryl Cagle |
And lastly, a couple other tidbits from this week.
What the bleep? He revealed the faces and location of Seal Team 5 in Iraq?? What a maroon!
And what's this noise? A nude selfie? Only in TЯUMP's America will those two words go together in a Federal legal document.
...And for grins and giggles. A review. Trump's Best Words: 2018 edition.
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