Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A few morsels

I offer a few morsels while we wait for tomorrow's main course of public hearings.

A little impeachment amuse-bouche:
The New York Times outlined the real story of Biden's work in Ukraine during the Obama administration. To remind you, there is no evidence – and yes, it's been researched – that Hunter Biden had any wrongdoing while he was working for the Ukrainian energy company. You can make the legitimate argument that it's stinky to ride on papa's coattails to advance your career, but he did nothing illegal and was not part of the corruption that was swirling around in Ukraine. Read the NYT article. Vice President Joe Biden was working hard in Ukraine to bring it along, and to help it resist Russia.

Comfort food from days gone by: 
Remember the old days of the Russia investigation? You'll delight in the Roger Stone trial. Dig your fork into the seedy underbelly of mob-style dealings. Stone is charged with lying under oath about his WikiLeaks dealings. Get this: the judge actually instructed the jury not to download "The Godfather" after there were multiple references and comparisons to characters in the movie. From NBC News:
Prosecutors said that he threatened Credico to make sure he didn't cooperate with investigators, urging him to "do a Frank Pentangeli." Pentangeli is a character in "The Godfather: Part II" who is pressured to lie to a congressional committee to avoid implicating the head of the fictional Corleone crime family. Pentangeli lies to Congress and then kills himself afterward.

Delicious side dishes from the courts: 
The Supreme Court is going to decide if 45 acted properly to dismantle DACA. You may recall that during the campaign, one of his campaign promises was to protect the Dreamers' status. That went by the wayside, of course, as racism won out over compassion and he moved to cancel the program. Lower courts blocked his action, and SCOTUS is now deciding Dreamers' fate.

Court after court has ruled that TЯUMP must turn over his tax returns to New York state. SCROTUS is asking SCOTUS to get involved. It's not clear that they will take up the case, but if they do, it will be decided before the 2020 election.

It was ruled by a Federal judge that Captain Chaos can't sue New York state in Federal Court over the same matter. The ruling doesn't prohibit him from trying to stop the release in other courts, just not in the Federal system.

The Supreme Court ruled that Sandy Hook families can sue Remington Arns, the gun manufacturer who made the AR-15 used to murder their young children in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012.

And finally, today's dessert: 
A lovely Trigger Pudding, whipped up by Chef Junior. You'll savor the rich layers of gooey irony. Junior is promoting a book, titled "Triggered," in which he rails against the "snowflake" left, all the while whining about how bad he and his family has it. And richest of all, the cherry on top: He was booed off stage by the alt-right, no less. I guess the right and the left can agree on one thing: Junior is an asshole.

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