Monday, January 6, 2020

"All war is a symptom of man’s failure as a thinking animal."

"All war is a symptom of man’s failure as a thinking animal." – John Steinbeck

I'm deeply sad about an escalation of conflict with Iran, making the possibility of war very real.

I hate that he Halfwit-in-Chief has again acted impulsively and put many lives at risk.

I hate that he has no capacity for critical thinking. When his advisors gave him options, including the extreme option of General Qassim Suleimani's assassination (reportedly added to make the other options look more reasonable), they forgot that this person is not reasonable. He is incapable of reason.

I hate that 45 made up a story about "imminent attacks" of which no one has evidence.

I hate watching babies being loaded on to air transports, with their heavy backpacks and their heavy guns, fresh-faced 18-year-olds, going to fight Lockheed Martin's battle.

ABC News

I hate that the Middle East is even more destabilized, that in the wake of this action, the U.S. is pulling forces away from fighting ISIS; Iran has announced that they will escalate their nuclear program; and Iraq is expelling U.S. troops.

I hate that Iranians will hate us even more.

I hate that there is already backlash against Iranian-Americans.

I hate that there are already civilian casualties in Iran, with dozens of mourners killed in a stampede during the funeral procession.

I hate that the "president" is flirting with war crimes by threatening to destroy cultural sites.

I hate that our United States Congress was kept out of the loop and the Senate Majority Leader is OK with it.

I hate that 45's motives are so transparent:

I hate that Homeland Security has issued a NTAS bulletin, one that directly affects people near and dear to me at their jobs.

I hate that we're barreling toward the darkest days yet.

I hate that shit like the below was sent out. We. Do. Not. Govern. By. Tweet.

I hate that assassination is an acceptable course of action in the 21st Century, or any century.

I hate and I love that I agree with Tucker Carlson:

I love that we have freedom of speech and freedom of thought so that we may not swallow propaganda whole.

I love that we are still – for now – a Democratic Republic and we may tell our representatives what we think and what they should do. Contact them. Today.


  1. Sure, freedom of speech indeed. You can criticize everyone including god but woe to you if you criticize the "chosen". You may tell your representatives what you think and what they should do and yet are helpless when they simply ignore you......yeah democratic republic indeed.

    1. Thank you for reading! If you've read my blog at all, you know that I refuse to be pessimistic about our country and even about our government! Join me: Read, write, resist.... and vote!
