Saturday, February 29, 2020

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19: A Primer

It's on everyone's lips. (NO! Not literally, we hope!). Coronavirus.

No, it's not this....

 Americans are avoiding Corona beer amid coronavirus outbreak, survey finds
....though we may need to toss back a couple to cope with this near-pandemic.

It's this:

This coronavirus is a novel respiratory virus spreading rapidly around the world. It's a great concern to people all over our whole planet. It has spread to every continent except Antarctica.

Part of the reason I write this blog is to digest information for myself; I learn as I write. You, my dear readers, get to come along with me. Join me as I divert a bit from politics for a Q & A on this important topic.


CORONAVIRUS IS A NEW, POTENTIALLY DEADLY VIRUS for which no human has immunity.

WASH YOUR HANDS. Thoroughly and often.

DON'T PANIC. Prepare as if you were going to have to spend a couple weeks sick at home.

STAY HOME IF YOU'RE SICK! Most coronavirus infections are mild, but a subset of people will get very sick. STAY HOME even if you feel mildly sick.

STAY AWAY FROM SICK PEOPLE. Stay at least six feet away from anyone who appears to be sick.


What is the coronavirus? This coronavirus is a new virus that emerged in China late last year. Coronavirus is the name for a group of respiratory viruses, many of which cause the common cold. This novel coronavirus is named COVID-19 (COrona VIrus Disease - 2019). This is a new disease not previously seen in humans, and is believed to have been passed to humans from animals. Now, it is spreading human-to-human.

As of this morning, there have been three cases in the U.S. (in northern California, Oregon, and Washington) that have contracted the virus through community exposure. This is concerning, as before this week all other cases were traced back to travel in China.

How is this coronavirus different? As it is an animal-to-human virus, no human has an immunity to it. And this virus has properties which make it both mild and severe. While 80% of cases exhibit mild symptoms, like a cold, and fully recover, the virus can also lead to pneumonia or other severe complications, and the death rate is about 2%. Compare this to the death rate of influenza, which is 0.1%.

Are we all going to die? NO! About 80% of cases have mild symptoms, while about 13.8% of patients experience severe illness, with shortness of breath, or requiring supplemental oxygen. About 4.7% experience critical illness, meaning they face respiratory failure, multi-organ failure, or septic shock. So far, it looks like about 2.3% of people infected with COVID-19 die from the virus.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19 infection? Initial symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath. Respiratory symptoms can worsen and develop into pneumonia or respiratory failure. Some infected people show no symptoms at all.

What are the traits of this virus? Incubation is between 2-14 days, it is believed. It is unknown how long the virus can live on surfaces. It appears that children are less susceptible to the virus, or at least they show fewer or no symptoms if infected. There have been reports of re-infection or a latency of expression of symptoms with this virus.

What should I do if I feel sick? Stay home! Stay away from other people, as well as pets (though unlikely to spread to animals, we just don't know enough about this virus to know if it can be transmitted to other species). Wear a mask if you come into contact with others (the CDC does not recommend wearing a mask if you are well. We need to conserve resources, and it gives a false sense of security). Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Throw tissues away in a lined can, and immediately wash your hands. Don't share eating utensils or other personal items; sanitize items touched frequently, such as doorknobs, handles, remote controls, computers, phones. If you feel sick enough to get medical treatment, call ahead before seeking medical assistance and let them know you may have COVID-19.

How can I prevent becoming infected? How can I prevent others from getting sick? Use the same common-sense ways you avoid getting sick at other times:
  • WASH YOUR HANDS. The CDC recommends the following:
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
  • Avoid contact with sick people.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth. 
  • STAY HOME if you are sick. Even if you display mild symptoms, STAY HOME! 
  • Monitor your symptoms. If you feel worse or your fever becomes elevated, call ahead to your medical provider and wear a mask (N-95 is best) to get medical treatment.
  • The CDC does not recommend that well people wear masks to prevent getting sick. They do recommend a mask if you are infected or taking care of someone who is infected. 

Is there any treatment? What about a vaccine? There is no direct treatment or cure. Like a cold or the flu, treatment consists of rest and fluids for mild cases. If the disease becomes severe, hospitalization may be necessary to support body systems. The virus is too new to have a vaccine. Though scientists are working on it, an effective vaccine is about 12-18 months away.

How should I prepare? Stock up on prescription medications, fever reducers, nonperishable foods, and comfort foods for if you feel sick, as well as things like toilet paper, tissues, toothpaste. Be prepared to stay home for about two weeks if you get sick. Buy some alcohol wipes and sanitizing wipes for household surfaces. Have plenty of soap and hand sanitizer at home. Pick up a six-pack of Corona beer (hey, the company is hurting!).

What are the health dangers? As stated above, because 20% of cases can lead to severe complications requiring hospitalization and 2% of cases leading to death, we face a frightening scenario.

What are the social dangers? We all will need to be very aware and cautious in our social interactions. Be prepared to curtail your social interactions if there is an outbreak in your community. One way to prevent the spread of the disease is through social distancing. Social distancing is, quite simply put, staying home and minimizing social contact. Stay away from congregate activities; maximize the outings you do have, for example, buy larger quantities when you shop or shop for your neighbor as well; eat at home; work from home; limit travel on public transportation; maintain a distance of 6 feet from others. We introverts will feel quite comfortable giving in to our base instincts and cocooning at home a bit more!

People or communities may have to be quarantined; schools may close; businesses may shutter; healthcare systems may be overloaded.

What are the economic dangers? Fear of the unknown is causing jittery stocks. We've already seen worldwide stock markets tank this week on the fear of future economic repercussions. A larger economic slowdown is likely. Our healthcare system may become overburdened. Borders may be shut (some already have), with tourism and trade interrupted. There may be severe economic repercussions, with the drastic slow-down of commerce.

Should I worry about items packed and shipped from China? Experts do not know yet how long this virus lives on surfaces. In general, coronaviruses can live up to nine days on surfaces in ideal conditions. The official word from the CDC is "there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods, and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods."

Should I shun all people of Chinese descent? NO! Please please please don't let this turn into a racial thing! The disease originated in China, but there is nothing special about China or Chinese people with regard to this disease. Unfortunately, the disease has spread rapidly not only in China, but also in South Korea, Italy, and Iran. We must not fall into the trap of letting this cast a bias against any of our fellow Earth travelers.

What about this "it will be gone when it gets warm in April" that I heard about from the "president"? Remember, the man who promoted this theory is an idiot and self-serving. We do not know enough to know if warmer temperatures will change the disease's transmission. We just don't know, and we must be prepared for a change in the weather to have no impact. Stay alert, stay informed, stay prepared.

How can I learn more? Here is a fact sheet from the CDC. It's chock-full of information. And here are some myth-busters. If you prefer myth-busting in video form, check out the video below.

What has the U.S. Government response been? Oh ho! You know I'd go there! Short answer: It's been ugly. Chaotic. And political.

Just as a taster, here is a recent quote from 45, the supposed leader of the free world, during a press conference addressing the epidemic.

The president* has been all over the place. True to form, he is playing the blame game, and mostly concerned about the stock market drop, blaming – who else – Democrats and the media. And of course, he has manufactured conspiracy theories about the outbreak, calling on his base to consider the whole epidemic a hoax. It's just gross. Not only gross, this rehtoric is extremely dangerous. As much as I dislike his base, I do not want them to come to harm! A worldwide pandemic is not a deep state conspiracy. Take your paranoid delusions, sir, and fuck right off.

Last week, as the situation was developing rapidly, 45 went against CDC recommendations for repatriating infected Americans, and then became angry with the CDC leadership for allowing them to fly into the United States. When Americans were brought home, healthcare workers from Health and Human Services were ill equipped, both in training and in equipment, to safely respond to the health crisis. Gah!

The impotent response has been laid bare by 45's 2018 firing of the CDC's pandemic response team. And in fact, there are currently 700 vacancies at the CDC.

The CDC is doing a good job with what it has. Here is what the U.S's response has been. The CDC is educating the public and healthcare workers, performing screenings on travelers, and managing the risk of infection. Unfortunately, with the lack of high-level experts in pandemics, the U.S. may fall way behind in its response

IMPOTUS has named V.P. Mike Pence to head up the official response. This, a man who gravely endangered public health by allowing an HIV outbreak to run rampant in Indiana while he was governor. This, a man who has a distinct distaste for science.

Let Seth Meyers break it all down for you.

This week, Congress allocated a paltry couple billion dollars for the response, at 45's request. He intends half of the money to be diverted from other programs, including a good chunk originally destined for ebola response. Ebola isn't going away. What is his reasoning? Oh, that's right. The man don't reason.

We may witness the biggest test yet of our broken healthcare system, when people who cannot afford heath insurance delay treatment, and go to work sick because they can't afford to stay home. This is a perfect storm that may affect us in ways yet unimagined.

Stay safe out there, Resisters.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Dictatorship 101

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who I am learning quickly to despise, said this:

"I believe that the president has learned from this case.... The president has been impeached — that's a pretty big lesson. I'm voting to acquit because I do not believe that the behavior alleged reaches the high bar in the Constitution for overturning an election and removing a duly elected president.... I believe he will be much more cautious in the future."

She's right. He's learned a lesson, and so have we all. By leaving a despot in power, the GOP is teaching a powerful set of lessons.

The lessons learned are contained in the new University of the United States course entitled:

"Dictatorship 101. No Reins: An Unfettered March Toward Authoritarianism." 

Unfortunately, we are all required to take this course. The lecturer is awful, but we must attend. The lecture hall holds 330,294,221, so take a seat. Be sure to bring water. It's a course that will last 37 weeks.

Dictatorship 101 Syllabus:

We'll explore the lessons learned when a presidential impeachment fails to remove a despot from power. We'll examine the recent, as well as the ongoing, ways that authoritarianism threatens to overturn 243 years of our Democratic Republic.

Lesson One: Overview: "When you are President you can do anything you want."  
We look at the ways an acquittal emboldens a dictator. 

Lesson Two: Using Foreign Interference in Influencing Elections.
We'll see how cowards in the Republican party shrug their shoulders when presented with overwhelming evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. Constitution too thick for your paper shredder? We'll explore other ways to destroy it.
  • Congress says it's ok, so go ahead and ask your boyfriend Putie the Cutie to hack and propagandize
  • Reinforcing a debunked theory: repeat the false Ukraine narrative enough and it becomes fact! 
Lesson Three: Witness Tampering and Intimidation.  
We'll explore the fine art of witness intimidation, from live-tweeting threats during witness testimony to soliciting surrogates to out whistleblowers.
Lesson Four: Trashing the Rule of Law. 
The meat of the dictatorship: eliminating the rule of law. Learn how using a corrupt attorney general to act as your personal attorney while undermining dozens of ethical federal prosecutors. Learn to present alternative facts as well as the AG's art of plausible deniability.
Lesson Five: Undermining Checks and Balances by Stacking the Judiciary.
Part Two of Trashing the Rule of Law. We explore how putting sympathetic judges on the bench can help meet corrupt goals faster.
Lesson Six: Undermining Checks and Balances by Intimidating Members of the Legislative Branch.
We examine how lies, bullying, and pandering to an uninformed, rabid base can keep Repugs in line. Learn how keeping one's Congressional seat defeats supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States in every case.
  • Using Twitter to intimidate Members of Congress 
  • Pandering to your base 
  • Insulting those who have disagreed with you
  • The ins and outs of propaganda: conspiring with Putie to control the narrative on social media
  • Managing the ally/enemy balance: the art of faint praise vs. intimidation and bullying 
Lesson Seven: Part 1: Corruption Happens in Darkness.
We see how secret meetings and conversations can get around pesky do-gooders.
Lesson Eight: Part 2: Corruption is Deemed Acceptable if Done in the Sunlight.
We look at the converse: how proclaiming your crimes out loud can bring down suspicion that what you're doing is wrong.
Lesson Nine: Distorting Reality.
The oldest and most effective method to destroy a nation. Lie, lie, lie.
  • Forcing your sycophants to repeatedly call impeachment "overturning an election and removing a duly elected president" makes it seem like there is truth to that duality of falsehoods 
  • Using Twitter to disseminate misinformation quickly and easily 
  • Vilifying the good guys: demonizing the free press 
  • Facts are lies; lies are facts. Apply, rinse, repeat
Lesson Ten: Bribery Works!
We'll explore how continuing the facade of having wealth can help corrupt people and institutions.
Lesson Eleven: Perverting the Military.
We'll visit the duality of proclaiming support of the military while simultaneously removing benefits and assistance.
Lesson Twelve: Using Fear to Suppress Freedom of Thought.
The premier tool of a despot: incite fear in the people. We'll explore how fear drives conservative thought and ways to exploit it.

Required Reading: The Constitution of the United States.

Final Exam will be on November 3, 2020. Attendance is mandatory! It will consist of one item.

Grab 'em by the ballot: Restore Our Three-Branch Government. VOTE BLUE!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Patriots and Poltroons

Last week was busy for We the People. Witness patriots and poltroons making history.

Firstly, the crook was acquitted, as expected. Not exonerated by any means. "Acquittal" means dismissal of charges. It does not mean innocence. Despite many in the GOP agreeing that he was guilty as charged, a roomful of poltroons acquitted him anyway. These cowards not only acquitted him, they put the stamp of approval on his behavior.

My last post, written after the vote to deny witnesses and documents into the trial, said most of what I wanted to say, as acquittal was all but certain after all was said and done.

Patriot Adam Schiff gave a powerful final argument. He conducted the whole trial with elegance and energy. His name will be remembered by history. Here is the full 25-minute final argument. I've started the video below at the last few minutes, which I thought was especially moving.

"Truth matters to you. You are decent. He is not. He is not who you are."

Fifty-two Republicans voted to acquit on all charges, many more than the supermajority needed to convict. But there was one true patriot among them, one who bravely stepped forward to convict IMPOTUS on article one, abuse of power. Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah was the only GOP senator brave enough to follow his truth. History will remember his name, too.

Much, much respect to Mitt Romney, who gave a powerful explanation for his decision:

We know that many more of them privately felt the same truth as Romney. But as Sen. Sherrod Brown writes, they ran scared. Nancy Pelosi wrote a scathing op/ed in the Washington Post calling the Republican senators to the carpet.

Private feelings do not count. They failed in their duty to the nation.

Some publicly stated that they felt he was guilty. But this proclamation only cements their label of coward. Incomprehensibly, more than one Senator tsk-tsked about what a shame it was that he did what he did, but they hoped and expected that DJT, as Sen. Susan Collins said, "learned his lesson." WTF? Has she not been paying attention to anything for the last three years? What about him makes her think this man is capable of learning or of contrition? He is a psychopath. This man does not learn lessons. He does not have a sense of right and wrong or shame.

Indeed, on Thursday after the State of the Union speech (which I didn't watch -- I went to happy hour with friends instead!), he did a victory lap. Well, two laps.

He displayed his usual outrageous, disgusting self. But we must not normalize his usual outrageous disgusting self. So let's face it.

SCROTUS spoke at the National Prayer breakfast (which, by the way, is a topic in the fascinating and frightening Netflix documentary, "The Family"), where he was again unhinged and unchristian-like. Later he blabbered for over an hour at the Whitewash House while his synchophants licked his boots.

Here is an ABC News story, and below are the Mango Mussolini's full remarks at both events, for history's sake. Don't watch them. I don't want anyone to get sick on account of me.

Don't turn completely away. Small doses are enough:

National Prayer Breakfast speech, not only unchristian-like, but authoritarian to the core:

Remarks from the East Room:

And the week didn't end with that. On Friday, he summarily fired two patriots who bravely stepped forward, defying his order not to cooperate, and went before Congress and told the truth. Lt. Col. Alex Vindman and EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland were shown to the door. Literally. Vindman was escorted from the Whitewash House, as was his twin brother Yevgeny, an unfortunate victim of collateral damage.

Despicable. It's what dictators do.

Vindman is a singular patriot. He has given so much to this country for so long. He is a hero, plain and simple. I wrote about this Purple Heart recipient after his impeachment testimony. We owe him a debt of gratitude.

Gordon Sondland, though a big part of the cluster that was the Ukraine scheme, turned his back on his patron status and stood up to give powerful testimony. He, too, was shown the door.

Ironically, some Repug senators tried to talk 45 out of firing Sondland. Hey, senators! You could have stopped him from doing bad things a few days ago by voting to convict. He won't stop. HE. WON'T. STOP.

Marie Yavonovitch, former Ambassador to Ukraine, and another American patriot, offered these words of hope in her essay in the Washington Post: "We will endure, we will persist and we will prevail." She notes, "Every citizen doesn’t need to do everything, but each one of us can do one thing." Thank you, Ms. Yavonovich. It's my mission to do the one thing I can do.

Thankfully, the State of the Union address was before the acquittal, and he managed to keep impeachment out of his speech. As is his usual, he was able to read the words put before him decently, and as usual they were full of lies.

A couple tidbits from the STFU speech.

I won't go through the many and myriad untruths throughout the speech (I'll leave that for the fact-checkers), but here are just a couple.

He sprung a surprise scholarship for "a school of her choice" to Janiyah Davis, a little girl who he claimed was attending "a failing government school" ("government school" – who came up with that gross term? So demeaning!). The thing is, this 4th-grader was already attending an elite charter school (a government school, by the way), one that she wouldn't dream of leaving.

Her mother wasn't told ahead of time the role they would play in SCROTUS's spectacle and it was obvious that Jeniyah and her mom were confused when they were asked to stand and the "scholarship" was announced.

It turns out that what was to be gifted to the girl was not really an official scholarship from Philadelphia's scholarship programs. No. Betsy DeVos was to pay for the child's education personally. But it's moot. Janiyah gets nothing, and she stays in her taxpayer-funded charter school.

It's unclear how the Whitewash House found this child to honor, but one thing is obvious. This family was just another black prop for the Racist-in-Chief.

Another gift during the speech: Rush Limbaugh, darling of the far right, unabashedly racist and misogynistic to his core, was given the freaking Presidential Medal of Honor, right there during the speech. There is no one less deserving of this honor.

Steve Sack

The best part of the evening, though, was Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping up her copy of the speech at the end. She did it in full view of the cameras, very matter of factly. Love her or hate her, she is a political force to be reckoned with. Me? I love her.

Other news last week:

Monday was the Iowa Cauc-Up. So much went wrong in the much-anticipated first primary event of the 2020 election season. Now, after a week, it is still unclear who won, but Mayor Pete and Bernie are closely in the lead – both are claiming victory – with Liz right behind. Uncle Joe was 4th, which is nearly a death knell for his campaign.

Interesting, exciting race! New Hampshire is next, on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to California being part of Super Tuesday for the first time. We moved our primary from June to March this year. It'll be cool to be part of the conversation for once.

The Tan Lines Scandal. This photo was tweeted. Twitterers mocked; the president* proclaimed "fake news!" But in the end, it seems legit.

I've noticed the line becoming more apparent. In fact, during the prayer breakfast, you can see it. It's not as stark as in this photo, but I noticed. I believe that he does his make up himself. I don't think it's a tanning bed, because his hands are a starkly different shade (see below). I believe that this more-obvious tan line is more evidence of his deterioration. He's losing it.

But please let us put all that behind. Let us champion the patriots. Remember at the beginning of these backwards days, when we wrote postcards galore? I invite you to pick up some postcards and some stamps and please join me in writing a note of thanks to the patriots who have done the right thing.

And then, we gear up for the finalization of the impeachment in November.

Thanks for reading. #Resist!

Lt. Col. Alex Vindman
c/o David Pressman, Attorney
55 Hudson Yards
20th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Gordon Sondland
c/o Robert Luskin, Attorney
875 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005

Marie Yavonovitch
c/o Lawrence S. Robbins, Attorney
2000 K Street North West
4th Floor
Washington, DC 20006

Sen. Mitt Romney
124 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Rep. Adam Schiff
2269 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Rep. Val Demings
217 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Rep. Jerry Nadler
2109 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Rep. Jason Crow
1229 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Rep. Zoe Lofgren
1401 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Rep. Hakeem Jefferies
2433 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Rep. Sylvia Garcia
1620 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Sunday, February 2, 2020

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." - Ariel, The Tempest Act 1 Scene 2, William Shakespeare. 

U.S. Senators taking their faux oath of "impartial justice."

This moment is heavy. The grief and despair feels what we experienced the evening of Tuesday, November 8, 2016. There are devils at work.

There have been one thousand and one pundits out there opining about the travesty we just witnessed. Indulge me by reading one more.

The defense in the impeachment trial of the 45th president* of the United States continued their spurious spin (replete with the requisite lies) on Wednesday and Thursday during the question and answer phase.

On Thursday, Alan Dershowitz said in legalese what his boss has said more basely: that he can do whatever he wants.

I was listening to the trial in the car between home health patients. During Wednesday's and Thursday's question-and-answer portion, I often didn't hear the question or know who was speaking. When I tuned in, I thought it was a House manager speaking sarcastically when I heard Dershowitz saying a president can believe, "I want to be elected. I think I'm a great president. I think I'm the greatest president there ever was and if I'm not elected the national interest will suffer greatly" and that if a president believes that his re-election is in the national interest, then "if [he] does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.” In other words, "l'état, c'est moi." I found out later that day that it was actually Dershowitz. I was shocked. The monarch talk is awful. It's scary, outlandish, grotesque, bizarro reasoning.

Straight out of one scary, outlandish, grotesque, bizarro brain. I'm sure that 45 forced Dershowitz to present that case, so that when he's acquitted he can evoke those words again and again and again in his victory rallies from now until we remove him from office. He's going to be insufferable about it (as if he were sufferable now). And I have no doubt that he will live it. There is absolutely nothing that will prevent him from doing this – or worse – again. He truly believes he can do anything he wants. What's to stop him? Certainly not the fear of consequences. He has never had consequences. His whole fucking life.

It doesn't matter that constitutional scholars from coast to coast echoed "Hogwash!" to Dershowitz's argument. TЯUMP got it into the record, into the most serious of proceedings in the land. Forever.

Interestingly, Dershowitz was absent from the proceedings on Thursday.

Another moment on Thursday illustrated again how deeply corrupt the executive branch is. Chairman Adam Schiff told us that John Bolton in his book described at least one meeting when the Ukraine scheme was being discussed and planned. Participants in the planning? SCROTUS, Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, ...and Whitewash House counsel and man presenting defensive arguments in the impeachment trial, Pat Cipollone. Unfuckingbelievable.

But the GOP Senate didn't want to get to the bottom of Cipollone's involvement. Or anyone else's.

No witnesses. No documents.

It's time to get out the thesaurus again because the English language seems ill-equipped to deal with this situation in the United States Senate chamber. Disgraceful doesn't cut it. Contemptible comes closer.Scandalous, yes. Shocking, no, not in the true sense. Degrading?That's the one. The GOP Senate has degraded us all. They have degraded the Constitution; they have degraded their body. They have degraded the United States of America.

Friday night the Senate voted to reject calling for witnesses and documents, witnesses and documents that could shed more light, bring more facts. A witness in the form of former national security advisor John Bolton, a credible first-hand witness who wants to testify.

The United States Senate has tried 62 impeachments. Only one trial of all those 62 has been conducted without witnesses: the impeachment trial of the 45th president* of the United States. It is a travesty. They have brought more dishonor upon their house.

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, 1984

We heard from two "moderate" Repugs who voted to reject new witnesses. The reasons for their "no" vote come from both sides of their mouths.

All eyes were on Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). But she's moderate in fantasy only, and she voted no. Her statement was perplexing:
“I worked for a fair, honest, and transparent process, modeled after the Clinton trial, to provide ample time for both sides to present their cases, ask thoughtful questions, and determine whether we need more. 
“The House chose to send articles of impeachment that are rushed and flawed. I carefully considered the need for additional witnesses and documents, to cure the shortcomings of its process, but ultimately decided that I will vote against considering motions to subpoena. 
“Given the partisan nature of this impeachment from the very beginning and throughout, I have come to the conclusion that there will be no fair trial in the Senate. I don’t believe the continuation of this process will change anything. It is sad for me to admit that, as an institution, the Congress has failed. 
“It has also become clear some of my colleagues intend to further politicize this process, and drag the Supreme Court into the fray, while attacking the Chief Justice. I will not stand for nor support that effort. We have already degraded our institution for partisan political benefit, and I will not enable those who wish to pull down another. 
“We are sadly at a low point of division in this country.”
Yeah, it's too partisan, so let's make it partisan. If the institution has failed, it has failed because of votes like this. You failed, Ms. Murkowski. If this is a low point, it's because you brought it lower.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), had been thought of the last great hope. He has been an honorable, even-keeled legislator and had nothing to lose, having decided to retire. He had the chance to leave a legacy with his yes vote. But he, disgracefully, declined. Alexander said in a statement:
“I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the United States Constitution’s high bar for an impeachable offense. …The Constitution does not give the Senate the power to remove the president from office and ban him from this year’s ballot simply for actions that are inappropriate. 
The question then is not whether the president did it, but whether the United States Senate or the American people should decide what to do about what he did. I believe that the Constitution provides that the people should make that decision in the presidential election that begins in Iowa on Monday. …Our founding documents provide for duly elected presidents who serve with ‘the consent of the governed,’ not at the pleasure of the United States Congress. Let the people decide." 
If cheating in our sacred election is not impeachable, Sen. Alexander, then what is?

Sen. Alexander seemed to have bought into the corrupt defense that was presented by the President's* counsel. Sure, there's proof he did what he did. But <shrug> who cares?

It's not to say that we will never learn the truth. But the trial itself was "half done" in the words of former chief of staff John Kelly, who has stated that he believes John Bolton. I disagree with Mr. Kelly. It wasn't half a trial. It was not a trial at all.

It would've been exciting to hear from John Bolton under oath during the trial. But we may yet hear from him, as it is likely the House will continue investigating and may call him to testify. If not, we'll get to read his book (unless, somehow 45 is successful in blocking its publication).

How interesting that this dyed-in-the-wool conservative, hawkish to his core, would become a Democrat darling. But that's where character is more important than policy. A man can inspire respect from all sides when he stands up for what is right.

"Knowledge will give you power, but character respect." – Bruce Lee

Besides evidence from Bolton, we'll get more and more evidence as it trickles out. We may see more of the emails that the DOJ is hiding; we'll hear much more from Lev Parnas; in the future perhaps even Mick Mulvaney will pull a John Dean and speak truth to power. Don't laugh! Redemption can happen.

For now, we face the reality that the GOP is corrupt to the core. It's not about policy. It's about character. Someone on Facebook asked those on the left to be honest. That Democrats would've behaved the same in an impeachment of Obama for the same thing. I answered, nope. We wouldn't have let it get that far. We would've stopped it at "pussy."

With an acquittal, 45 is given approval for his behavior. Yes, yes, some of the Senators will make harsh mouth noises during their 10 minutes on the floor to explain their vote. But their voice doesn't matter. Their vote does.

The man will be able to continue to claim, "I can do anything I want." It's as simple as that. And he has nine months to do so. He can and will seek any help from anybody and will commit any act if he thinks it will help him win. It's what he has done for 73 years. It is what he will do now.

It's sobering and sad to think of those consequences. But before we surrender ourselves completely to the quagmire of despair, let's look at the other outcomes.

IMPOTUS will have Impeached next to his name forever and ever. The fact that he was impeached will not go away.

Impeachment establishes a record. The facts -- some of them – are out there. We the people want the truth, and we sought the truth. The truth has been spoken for history to know.

Impeachment demonstrates to the world that at least half of us do not condone the behavior and we're trying to correct it. Justice warriors will seek accountability. Always. We are a nation guided by the rule of law. We are honoring that.

The impeachment process laid out the GOP motivations plainly to the voters. The vote to deny additional evidence and the upcoming acquittal shows that the GOP truly has sold their soul and has no motivation to honor their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Their only motivation is to hold on to their seats, and they must pander to the Apricot Assfruit and his rabid base in order to do so. They are so scared of one man and his twittery thumbs that they are willing to bend over and take it.

Their constituents can decide if this is the kind of person they want representing them. There are far more voters out there who value loyalty to country more than loyalty to party. It is much more likely that their short-sighted decisions will bring backlash against them, and will not blow positive over the Tormentor-in-Chief.

Not that he won't try to use acquittal to rile up his base. We'll hear his crowing for the next nine months. His rabid base may buy into it, but remember, they are a small segment of the voting populace. The segment that is angry and motivated to change WILL vote. Let's make sure of it. It's time for us to be a rabid base. Rabid for what’s right. Rabid to support people who will unseat the corrupt agitators. Rabid for the next election and pushing the blue wave.

In a future post, I'll lay out the vulnerable seats and outline our strategy for the general election as we gear up for the real, lasting impeachment event that will happen on November 3.

A few weeks ago, I heard the song "Eve of Destruction," which hit the charts in 1965, in the midst of our last great national divide. The lyrics resonate for our times. But the song gives me hope.

In part:
Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin',
I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin',
I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
Handful of Senators don't pass legislation,
And marches alone can't bring integration,
When human respect is disintegratin',
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin',
And you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
It's a dark, foreboding message. But listening to the song actually gives me great hope. Though it feels so relevant, it reminds me that we got through those dark times. We didn't destruct. We've made progress in the 55 years since. We've endured the push and pull of the left and the right; we've weathered many crises. We'll get through this. Interestingly, James Comey agrees with me. We'll be fine.

I'm glad the the vote to acquit won't happen until Wednesday, after Tuesday's State of the Union address. He won't be able to invoke acquittal during the speech. In fact, I'm predicting it will be a fairly benign speech. His handlers will have written out the words that he'll dutifully read real good. He'll save the best stuff for the magats at his next rally.

And now, art to give voice to our grief.

RJ Matson

Bill Bramhall

Chris Britt

Kevin Siers

Rick McKee

John Cuneo

RJ Matson

Bill Bramhall

Pia Guerra

Bruce MacKinnon

Tom Toles