Sunday, August 13, 2023


I can't keep my fingers still! While we wait for the indictment – likely tomorrow – let's look at some tidbits from over the weekend and breaking news from moments ago! 

First the Breaking News: The Case!!

It looks like the clerk at Fulton County accidentally posted the indictment a bit too early. Minutes ago, it appeared briefly on the county website before quickly being taken down. It listed 12 charges for a single defendant, one djt. It was first reported by Reuters. You heard it here first (or maybe second)!

Well, well, well. Look who was caught with their hand in the coffee jar. 

Coffee County, Georgia, that is. 

Yesterday, CNN broke the story that the Fulton county D.A. Fani Willis has evidence – damning evidence – that T****'s team had plans to access the voting machines in Coffee County. 

Excuse me? Who's frauding who?

Apparently there are texts and "other court documents" that show that T****'s lawyers planned to access the machines in the days ahead of January 6. Plans were discussed in the Whitewash House with T**** present in that "unhinged" meeting you may recall from the January 6 hearings. 

Misty Hampton, a local elections official sent a "letter of invitation to Coffee County, Georgia" to several on T****'s direct team, including Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, as well as to Giuliani's close associate, former NYPD Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik. The machines were accessed by T**** operatives for several hours. You may recall that Hampton further impeded the certification of Georgia's votes for Biden by refusing to validate a recount by the deadline. 

We knew about this breach, and other lawsuits have arisen from this breach, but this is solid evidence that T****'s team was directly and intimately involved in the break-in.

Come on, Fani Willis, come on! 

Our Ms. Willis 💖

Here is a great write-up about our hero, Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis. She is a bulldog, and just the type of person we need to lead the charge. Please read it (thanks, Big Sister Resister Pagrs for the link).

Side note: I found myself getting choked up at a commercial. No, not the terrible abused dog commercial. The one where a black woman eyes the photo on the wall of the law firm she is applying to. The photo is of a dozen or so old white men. She steels herself to meet with the interviewer, the senior partner in the firm. Door opens, it's a woman, warmly welcoming in the candidate. 

Not too very long ago, this was an impossibility. Fani Willis is not only a bulldog, but a trailblazer. Read about other black female legal trailblazers here.

Gawd, I just love that a black woman will be instrumental in putting this odious misogynist racist in prison. 

The Judge

It's not clear that he will be the presiding judge, but it would be great if he is. Judge Robert McBurney looks to be like a fair jurist. He has been overseeing the case so far, so we will see if he will continue on the case.

"...this is not the behavior of an innocent man."

He may be barred from trying to influence witnesses in his federal cases, but T**** has been panic-tweeting (errrr, truth-socialing) to try to convince witnesses in Georgia not to testify. He specifically targeted former Republican Lt. Governor Geoff (not Jeff, LOL) Duncan. Combined with his verbal vomit directed in Fani Willis's direction, as Jonathan Chait notes in the New York Magazine, "this is not the behavior of an innocent man." Ummmm, it might also be illegal. 

Come back later this week for more!!!

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