Last post, we basked in the joy and hope of the Harris/Walz ticket. There is much love and happiness flowing these days!
Today, we return to the bizarro behavior on the other side.
The Weird: Can't stop. Won't stop.
JD Vance stalked Kamala Harris on the tarmac the other day. He was looking for the Vice President, who happened to land at the same airport on the same day.
JD explained it by saying, "I wanted to check out my future plane and I just wanted to go say hello." He called it, "having a little fun."
Creepy and weird. Look see:
Why was this a good idea? And what did the Secret Service think about this bearded lunatic running toward the United States Vice President's aircraft?
More weird from Vance
A reporter asked him, "What makes you smile?" His response: "Well, I smile at a lot of things including bogus questions from the media, man," as he chuckled at his own witticism. Weird.
A few days ago, Dingus Con posted on Truth Social:
"What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST President in the history of the U.S., whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and others on the Lunatic Left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the U.S. Presidency, a COUP, to the people in the World he most hates, and he wants it back, NOW!!!"
What. the. actual. eff.
Words again are inadequate to describe the bizarre off-the-rails stuff that bounces around inside that man's cantaloupe. So freakin' weird!
The Amber Asshole continues to fume about Kamala's laugh.
One thing, though. Have you ever seen this guy laugh? Just once? What about smile? He does manage to paste on a glad-my-constipation-is-over "smile" once in a while for photos, but happiness? Humor? Joy? Gratitude? Awe? Love? This man has none.
Let's talk military records.
Vance is trying to "Swift boat" Tim Walz the way the GOP did to John Kerry back in the day. He attempted to smear his military record by implying that Walz retired from the National Guard in order to avoid being deployed to Iraq. He also took issue to the one time that Walz misspoke and talked about "the weapons of war that I carried in war." Vance called it "stolen valor."
A quick look at the facts will set ol' James Divan Vance straight.
Walz wanted to run for Congress, and so he planned to retire from his 24 years in the Army National Guard. He submitted his paperwork to retire five to seven months before he actually retired in May, 2005. He filed candidacy paperwork in February of 2005 and his unit was informed the next month of the possibility of being deployed, not immediately but within two years. His battalion was ordered to be deployed in July of 2005, two months after he retired.
Secondly, Mr. Vance, a one-time misspeak is not "stolen valor." Walz did carry the weapons of war; he didn't carry them to war. He has never tried to mischaracterize his service. His service, and yours, Mr. Vance, speak for themselves:
Stolen valor, ha! What about disdain for valor ("losers and suckers")? What about lack of valor, Bone Spur Baby? Tell me what company you keep, and I will tell you what you are.
The only way Trumpelthinskin can seem to respond to the "weird" epithet is of the "I know you are but what am I?" variety. Below is his response in a Montana rally. Not only did he say it, but he was proud enough of it that he shared his comments on his social media site. So damn weird!
Kamala Harris was featured on the Cover of Time Magazine this week.
In his interview with Elon Musk on Twitter (I'm not going to call it "X" – "X" is just so weird) he said this:
Keep my Vice President's name outta your fucking mouth. *shudder*
Not weird, but disturbing.
This would be a bombshell if there wasn't so many other distractions. It blipped through the news cycle. The Washington Post reported that there was some shady money-laundry-ish stuff happening between Egypt and Itty Bitty Amin's 2016 campaign.
Apparently there was a weird cash – cash – withdrawal of $10 million in U.S. currency from an Egyptian bank. Bank employees took a huge number of $100 bills and packed them into large bags.
No one knows exactly where the money went, but within days, Don the Con made a "loan" to his campaign from his personal funds of yes, you guessed it, exactly $10 million.
The FBI wanted to investigate this shady set of circumstances, but then-Attorney General Bill Barr blocked the way. The case was closed and cannot be reopened; the statute of limitations has run out. Read the intrigue in the Post's excellent investigative piece.
Baby Orangebutt hosted a "press conference" at Mar-a-Lago last week. I admit, I tried listening. Mostly to see the servings of word salad that are his specialty. But it was the same old shit sandwich. It wasn't a press conference to answer honest questions. It was just another self-serving opportunity to spurt his verbal diarrhea. Lies, mischaracterizations, exaggerations, vomitous, and yes, word salad. NPR counted 162 lies and distortions in the 62-minute event.
I did listen long enough to hear him address the issue of a peaceful transfer of power. After some nonsense about Biden ("If you watch him, he said it two ways. No, no, no. I mean, he said it two ways because he doesn’t really know what he’s saying. Why didn’t he bring it up at the debate? He had a chance for 90 minutes to bring it up at the debate. He could have talked about that at the debate and he didn’t do it. Everyone said, 'Oh, he said this and he said that.' They give him something to read off. He read it very badly, because he actually said it the opposite, then he had to go back and correct himself. He said the opposite. He should have brought this up at the debate if he had a problem"), he finally got around to saying, it'll be just like "last time."
He said, "Of course there’ll be a peaceful transfer and there was last time and there’ll be a peaceful transfer."
One of the most egregious lies was when he said, in speaking about his crowd size on January 6:
"Nobody’s spoken to crowds bigger than me. If you look at Martin Luther King, when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at ours, same real estate, same everything, same number of people. If not, we had more, and they said he had a million people, but I had 25,000 people, but when you look at the exact same picture… And everything’s the same because it was the fountains, the whole thing, all the way back from Lincoln to Washington, and you look at it and you look at the picture of his crowd, my crowd, we actually had more people. They said I had 25,000 and he had a million people… And I’m okay with it because I like Dr. Martin Luther King."
Guess what? Dr. King wouldn't like you.
Speaking of lies, it's not just a symptom of a rattled brain.
It's part of the authoritarian playbook. Not only are lies a weapon against opponents, authoritarians lie so that truth loses all meaning. You don't know what to believe because you can't believe any of it. And to repeat the lie is to be part of the club. Read more about this from the Niskanen Center or Protect Democracy.
Speaking of Authoritarians....
And speaking of crowd sizes....
Look at Kamala's crowds!
Oh Em Gee! Kamala's crowd sizes are giving him fits! Look at what she has welcomed in this video. There's more from Inside Edition, below. Watch the whole report; it goes on.
DonOld is in regular conniptions over it! You just don't mock a man about the size of his crowds! He is so obsessed about crowd sizes that he is starting to project his own failings – and wish list – on Kamala.
He asserted that her crowd sizes have been enhanced with AI. They haven't. However, the AI thing may very well be in his deception plan. He has been caught several times waving at invisible crowds. Either he's extra muddled in the noggin, or he plans to manipulate these videos (or both). See below:
He doesn't like the size of her rallies. He doesn't like the entertainment at her rallies (Megan Thee Stallion entranced a crowd in Atlanta), as if it's against the rules. He said he "doesn't need" concerts or entertainers. Honey, you can't get concerts or entertainers!
Side note: Celine Dion's record company fittingly disallowed him from using her sinking-ship song, "My Heart Will Go On" after he used it at a rally recently. They ended the statement by saying, “…And really, THAT song?” π
Da Baby doesn't like that Kamala Harris is doing better by every measure.
Let's look at some of those other measures, shall we?
The Polls.
I have to say I hate polls. Polls lie. Polls don't vote. You can't believe polls. We learned that the hard way in 2016. But... but... they are looking reeeeeally good for Harris right now.
She has been improving in overall polls but more importantly in the "Blue Wall" states -- important swing states that are must-wins. Polls have swung from the negative territory when Biden held the reins to now about 4 points ahead in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. This, just three weeks after being handed the baton.
Nationally, which I know doesn't really matter, but it feels so good, there has been a five point swing. At the end of Joe Biden's candidacy, the Fanta Menace was up by 3.2 points. Now, Kamala is ahead by 2.7%.
Favorability polls are trending better for Harris and Walz while the Saffron Psycho and Vance are tanking.
Among likely voters nationally, the numbers are amazing!
Harris raised more than twice as much as King Minus in July – $310 million vs. $138.7 million – and I wouldn't be surprised if it holds true for August. She had a fundraiser in California where she raised $12 million in one night.
We've got to keep the momentum going! Just 84 days to go! Donate if you can, or volunteer! If you gave just one penny per day for the eight years of hell we've been living through with that man, it would be $29.20. Give it to Kamala; end the pain!
He has to win to make his court cases disappear. He is running for his life. He doesn't give a flying eff about the country; he cares about staying out of prison. By all reports, Kamala's incredible showing is panicking him. The doors of the Graybar Hotel are opening wider.
Evidence of panic: He's been calling Kamala a b*tch in private; his interview with Elon Musk is illustrative of his agitation at not being able to find a way to campaign against Harris – he still wants Biden as an opponent; he has hired a troubling Taylor Budowich to help find purchase against Harris's formidable cliff-face of support; and one analysis indicates that T**** is in a "mental-health death spiral."
So, let's pack a bag and get ready to go!
Someone observed that having Kamala and Tim on our side, it feels as if we are collectively leaving an abusive relationship.
Ain't it the truth?!
I couched Don the Con's relationship with his minions and with the rest of us as abusive in a couple posts. Let's look at the way back machine.
In "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow" from September, 2019, I looked at the We the People as a collective abuse survivor and outlined strategies to remove ourselves from the relationship in a healthy way.
We have Kamala and Tim to thank for showing us there is joy and hope outside this toxic stew. It's refreshing, it's happy, it's hopeful, it's a relief.
The pair are genuine. They are authentic. They are joyful, happy, and they will save us from the orange menace.
Ways to twist IQ45's puny brain.
Keep up with the "weird."
Show up for Mamala and Palz. Donate, volunteer, go to a rally! Buy the merch. Post the signs. Wear the buttons, slap on the stickers.
I just loved this! You write so well, it's a great pleasure to read your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sue! I appreciate your kind words! Thank you so much for reading!