Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Snack: The Undecideds

How 'bout those "undecided" voters? Have you seen these panels? Every so often, including after debates, the networks get a group of "undecideds" and survey them. 

A menu is presented. 

Mesdames and messieurs, your choices tonight. 

Our first selection is an Indian-Jamaican fusion Californian salad, consisting of a richly developed organic vegetable medley mindfully grown in the fertile fields of Northern California. The heirloom vegetables have been freshly harvested and carefully hand-layered with attention. The colorful medley is laid over a bed of confetti rice grown in small containers in San Francisco. 

Accompanying the main course is a corn-fed amuse-bouche from the lakes of Minnesota. It is nutritionally complete, and it is delightfully enveloped with specially-made popping candy, meant to delight the senses and warm the heart.

The meal is served with the finest California sparkling wine, reserved for the most consequential and joyful celebratory meals. 

Tonight’s chef for this selection has been training under a master chef with 51 years’ experience in the most prestigious kitchens in the nation, though she has risen through the ranks of kitchen positions on her own impressive merits. I think you will be quite impressed. 

Our second selection is a shit sandwich. The shit is infused with jumble of glass particles, broken golf tees, and construction debris, nestled between ketchup-infused, hand-carved pieces of shoe lifts used over the course of at least two months of outdoor rallies this summer. These pieces of foam are wrapped in shredded court documents sourced from at least three different indictments. 

This particular piece of feculence chosen for tonight’s sandwich has been marinating for the last four years in the warm south Florida sunshine. 

This selection is accompanied by arsenic medallions direct from the Appalachia region of Ohio. The young arsenic was sautéed with cyanide and lead shot pellets.  

Our shit sandwich is not served with a beverage this evening, as it is designed to be passed through the alimentary tract completely dry. Though, if you wish, an after-dinner covfefe will be served. 

What is your selection? 

“Ummmm, I'm not sure. I’d like to know more about where the lettuce was sourced in that first thing.”

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Debris From the Debate Debacle

Now that we're a few days separated from the presidential debate, we can pull back a little and get a wider view. There's much in the positive column, but as you can expect, a lot in the dark debris column too. 

Yay for Kamala!
Kamala's fundraising was again off the charts. In the 24 hours after the debate, she raised a whopping $47 million. Most of this was from small donations from over 600,000 individual donors. That is yuge! (Speaking of, if you want to donate and get some Harris/Walz swag in one fell swoop, head to their official store.)

The polls indicating a winner of the debate were clear: Kamala won. As if it weren't clear to anyone with minimal brain activity who watched it. 

The voter polls enjoyed a surge too. Kamala is now up by 5% nationwide, and "red" to "leaning red" states are becoming "toss up" states. Even FAUX News is forced to admit Kamala is leading. Let me remind you, though. Polls don't vote! We mustn't let up! Get every single voter to the ballot box by November 5!

It is heartening that voters in swing states got Kamala's message and seem to be headed to the polls with a fresh viewpoint.

Voter registration inquiries surged after Taylor Swift's endorsement. YES! Let's get those new voters to the polls! Look at this graphic regarding Google searches for voter registration information during and shortly after the debate. After her endorsement, Google searches for specifically the term "taylor swift voter registration" spiked. You can see the relative spike when the terms "voter registration" and "Taylor Swift" are superimposed. Read more in The Washington Post. 

People didn't just stop at the search. had 405,999 visitors on debate night. It's unknown how many of those will convert to new voter registrations, but a year ago, the last time Taylor Swift encouraged voter registration, it was estimated that it led to 35,000 new registrations

Now is a good time to remind your friends and family who are turning 18 on or before November 5 to get registered. And those who have turned 18 during the last four years – they may not be registered either! Send them to or for information on how to register. You can also check your own registration there. Make sure you haven't been thrown off the rolls!

The Weird
Voter registration information wasn't the only trending Google search during and after the debate. Other searches reflected the bizarre world we live in. Diaper Don's name with "eating pets," "eating dogs," and "eating cats" trended on Google

DonOld was so humiliated during the debate that he made his way to the spin room to be his own spin-master, claiming that he won bigly and spouting made-up poll numbers left and right. It was weird

Afterwards, Traitor Tot went around the media saying that he won but yet it was "so unfair" – "three against one" – and complained Kamala must have gotten the questions in advance. 

Ummmm, Sir, you had the questions in advance as well. It wasn't the SAT. It was a freakin' presidential debate. Did you think they were not going to ask questions about abortion rights, January 6, the economy, immigration, and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza? Or did you honestly think there was a possibility of having to summarize the religious allegories in Moby Dick?

He mocked Kamala for asking for another debate. "When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are ‘I WANT A REMATCH!'" And yet, he declined to participate in another ass-kicking. Hmmmm...

Ann Telnaes

The Laura Looney, I mean Loomer, Connection.
This lady is a real nut job. She is an ultra-right wing agitator, and I mean agitator. She has been making vile and racists statements for years. She has is known for her anti-Muslim posts (she even goes as far as calling herself "#proudislamophobe"). She was banned from Twitter over her hate, but Elmo reinstated her once he bought the joint. She is a racist homophobic, transphobic, conspiracy theorist. She's on the fringe of the fringe; even the Righties hate her.

Last week, she made vile racist posts about Kamala Harris. It was so bad that even Empty Gee condemned her.

Loomer has run for Congress unsuccessfully a couple times, but earned the admiration of winners like Roger Stone. As well as her new bae, one Dolt 45.

Lately, Loomer has been quite cozy with Micro McMushroom. The New York Times reports, "Ms. Loomer has been to Mar-a-Lago at least nine times since January 2021, flew on Mr. Trump’s jet to the Iowa Caucuses and was almost hired by the campaign in the spring of 2023 until news coverage and internal pushback killed that plan." She was also on the plane with him to the debate in Pennsylvania. She may be the source of Lex Loser's bizarre dog-eating shite.

There are rumors about an affair. Melania has largely been MIA lately, and Laura has been visibly ...uh... supportive of the Republican candidate for President. Look see:

The Ugly
It's true. The bizarre claim that people are eating the cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio, is funny. But the Springfield community at large, and specifically the Haitian community, are getting hit by shrapnel from the lies.

Of course, when faced with push-back and humiliation, Kim Don-ill must always double down. And so must his whack-job VP pick. And so they did. And then tripled down.

Understand that this is a racist attack. Idiot Amin considers Haiti a "shithole country." By asserting that the large Haitian immigrant population is doing this, they again smear shit all over anyone who is not shiny bright white, Christian, and possesses a penis. Do you think that if 20,000 Norwegian immigrants landed in Springfield, Ohio, this would be happening?

Because of the vileness of this lie, and the fact that his minions gobble up every steaming pile of shit that he is able to squat out, the city of Springfield is suffering the effects

Bomb threats have been called in to city buildings and schools. Three public schools had to be evacuated or closed. City Hall was also evacuated due to a bomb threat.

Not that it matters, but the Haitian immigrants to Springfield are mostly legal and have been invited by city officials, who touted the city as having good jobs and affordable housing. The immigrants have been instrumental in revitalizing the city and boosting the local economy. 

Yet, the senator for which these people are constituents, one JD Vance, has betrayed them. He once stated that the pet-eating nonsense is a rumor (i.e., a lie), but yet now he keeps it going

I hope that no violence breaks out, but if it does, the blame lies solely at Jabba the Putz and JD's feet. It must be scary for the community and especially for the Haitian immigrants who call Springfield home. Shameful.

Singer John Legend has condemned the lie about residents of his hometown of Springfield, Ohio. President Biden has also spoken out, calling the threats to the community "simply wrong." 

Not as ugly but still ugly: The MAGAts have decided to attack Penzeys spice biz after Kamala visited and had a touching moment with a voter. Please support them. Not only are they a shamelessly outspoken progressive business, but they make effing good seasonings and deserve to be in your spice cabinet. If you sign up for their emails you’ll be informed, entertained, and get lots of great deals and discounts! I am certainly not one to often promote businesses on this blog, but I just love Penzeys for all the reasons  

The Memes: Addendum
The memes and cartoons just keep a-comin'! The humor in the pet-eating memes is fading a given the news, so let's give ourselves one more chuckle before it doesn't feel good anymore. Heck, people are darn funny, and sometimes ya gotta laugh to keep from crying. We will May we never live in times like these again. 

LSR made one! See:

Clay Bennett

Adam Zyglis

Rick McKee

Kirk Anderson

My favorite of this set

David Horsey

Matt Wuerker

Jack Ohman

Clay Bennett

Second fave

Steve Breen

Darrin Bell

Nick Anderson

Lalo Alcarez

Ann Telnaes

 Dave Whamond

Lalo Alcarez

By now you know Stephen Colbert is my favorite late-night guy. Here are his takes post-debate. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Momala Memes

As promised, here are your debate memes!

This one is my fave.

Sound on for this one:

Second fave


The ones below were unironically shared by Donny Junior and him's Daddy. You can't make this shit up. 

Lastly, the funny men: