Monday, December 4, 2017

"O, that way madness lies; let me shun that; No more of that." -- King Lear

"Laughingstock" and "collusion" were #1 and #3 looked-up words today, according to Merriam-Webster. Yep. Welcome to the USA, 2017 edition.

Here we look at the last week-plus in the Mad, Mad World of the Orange Stain. It's been said before, by me and by many others. Just when you think our situation cannot get more bizarre, it gets more bizarre.

Has anyone else noticed that while we are being smothered by vines in the Upside Down, time seems to warp and meld? Events that occurred five days ago feel like five years ago. Every day, more crazy and concerning incidents pop up. Our brains can only absorb so much at one time. Like in a nightmare, time gets squished.

In just the past week to 10 days, we have witnessed several more "last straws," including:

A President* who retweeted hateful, racist, anti-Muslim videos from Britain First, a racist, fascist British hate group akin to the US's KKK.

Five days ago (or a year ago, take your pick) SCROTUS retweeted anti-Muslim videos posted by a British woman who has been convicted of hate speech. British leaders, most notably Prime Minister Theresa May, became quite upset (welcome to our world) and immediately and soundly rebuked him. Some of them called for the complete ban on Trump setting foot in their country, such as lawmaker David Lammy, who tweeted:

US lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were also outraged at the tweets. For example, Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who by the way is earning my respect in these dark days, told The Guardian:
“I thought that was particularly unhelpful.” Reporter: In what way? Graham: “I think, one, it legitimizes this group in England. She’s being prosecuted for religious harassment. You don’t want to take a fringe group and elevate its content. I think it also is not the message we need to be sending right now when we need Muslim allies”
Was there anyone in the world who applauded his tweets? Yes! The maker of those extremist, hateful, fascist videos, responded with "GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP" and David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, also applauded, tweeting, "Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!"

Hate cannot become the new normal. We must resist. 

Last week we also saw a President* doubt Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore's accusers, accept his denials, and go ahead and endorse the pedophile because "we don't need a Liberal in there (the Senate), a Democrat."

Shortly after, it came out that SCROTUS had had the audacity to deny that it was him on the Access Hollywood tape. This, after his acknowledgement nearly 14 months ago that, "I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize" and his continued shrugs that it was "locker room talk," justifying his odious behavior as only a predator can. Yesterday, Billy Bush wrote an editorial in the New York Times, affirming, yes, it was you, you sotted blot.

Misogyny cannot become the new normal. We must resist. 

Last week we also saw.....

A President* who, at a somber ceremony to honor hero Navajo Code Talkers, by means of insulting Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA), used the racial slur "Pocahontas."  By the way, it was a bizarre statement, true to SCROTUS's standards.  He said, "You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”


Racism cannot become the new normal. We must resist. 

This weekend SCROTUS angrily took aim at his own agencies, the Department of Justice and the FBI, in a series of blistering tweets. He brought up Hillary's emails again (will you please give it a rest?), criticizing the DOJ's handling of the Clinton investigation, and also said the FBI's reputation is "the worst in history" and the agency is "in tatters."

Bullying cannot become the new normal. We must resist.

Recently we also had a President* who lied with this tweet:

Gawd, yes, those interviews and photo shoots are incredibly tiresome! And "PROBABLY"?!  Give me a break. That's not good enough. He won bigly last year. It was a great honer! He deserves it again this year, not some lightweight chocker!

Time denied his account, responding with:

Inexplicably, this week he also continued to harp on another of his lies, the whole Obama birth certificate doo-doo, in a private conversation with a Senator, according to the New York Times. Give. It. Up.

Deception and Lies cannot become the new normal. We must resist.

But...but...but...  this week was GREAT for Americans working toward resistance and justice. On Friday we were informed that former National Security Adviser General Mike Flynn flipped and plead guilty to lying to the FBI.  Oh, rejoice was heard across the land! This instigated SCROTUS to implicate himself further in an obstruction of justice charge when he tweeted, "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!"  Uh-oh...... he knew more than he said he knew then.... his firing of Mr. Comey just got a little more interesting!

Just now, as I'm writing this, it came to light that SCROTUS's attorney admitted to composing that tweet, a day (or a lifetime, in the Upside Down) after it went out and caused a ruckus. One had to surmise it was ghost-written, given it's intelligibility.  So now his lawyer is laying himself on the tracks to try to protect he-who-cannot-be-protected?  <eye roll>  Whoever the source, it is obvious the storm clouds are gathering and panic is settling into the Whitewash House.

Perhaps, just perhaps, we'll ring in the New Year with a Presidential Indictment! Let Freedom ring!

Truth, Love, and Right are winning. Keep up the resistance!

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