Monday, December 11, 2017

Strong Women are not Red or Blue

"A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars."  -- Carly Simon

I wrote a few weeks ago about the #MeToo movement, and the movement continues to gain momentum. Men across the land have been held accountable for their actions. Men in the entertainment and media businesses have been shown to the door in quick order. Action against politicians has been slower, but last week we had several lawmakers resign after allegations of sexual misconduct, most notably Senator Al Franken (D-MN) and Representative Al Conyers (D-MI).  Their own Democrats, with perhaps a motive made of political high-ground-taking as well as doing the absolute Right Thing, forced them out. The Republican Party seems to be rife with sexual predators, and not only have the pervs been tolerated, they have been lauded -- and elected. But perhaps the momentum is turning.

I was moved with positivity today with more women speaking out, including some Republican women, about sexual misconduct charges.

I have had mixed feelings about Republican Nikky Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations. My esteem of her notched up a tad when she said to CBS's Face the Nation, in talking about her boss's accusers, "They should be heard, and they should be dealt with. And I think we heard from them prior to the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up."

Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State under George W Bush and strong woman extraordinaire, without directly mentioning Roy Moore, came out against him, stating to

This week's special election will be one of the most significant in Alabama's history. As a native daughter, I remain - at heart - an Alabaman who loves our state and its devotion to faith, family, and country.
I encourage you to take a stand for our core principles and for what is right. These critical times require us to come together to reject bigotry, sexism, and intolerance.
It is imperative for Americans to remain focused on our priorities and not give way to side shows and antics.
I know that Alabamans need an independent voice in Washington. But we must also insist that our representatives are dignified, decent, and respectful of the values we hold dear.

Tomorrow Alabamians vote on whether to elect a pedophile to represent them in the 115th Senate of the United States of America. Do the right thing, Alabama.

Since my last post, Time Magazine announced their Persons of the Year: The Silence Breakers.  It was a good choice. The #MeToo movement defined 2017.  Thank you for acknowledging them, Time Magazine, and thank you to the brave women who have broken the silence.

Some of 45's accusers made another appearance with their stories today and called on Congress to step up and investigate their and others' charges of sexual misconduct and ask the Groper-in-Chief to resign. Because it's the right thing to do. Men across the land have been held accountable, and the Odious Orange One should not be immune. Perhaps the time is coming. I don't think there is anything to stop this train of empowerment.  The resistance is working. Keep it up!

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