Sunday, August 4, 2019

An act of war

Our worst fears, harbored since November 8, 2016,  have been realized.

Donald John Trump is commander-in-chief of the White Nationalists that occupy our country. And a war has begun. At his bidding.

With regard to the orange scum that illegitimately occupies the White House, it's no longer buffoonery; it's no longer mental health or neurological health concerns. It's no longer just being an uninformed, poorly educated idiot. It's no longer run-of-the-mill racism. It's HATE, at its basest form. His followers are taking up arms and following his command.

Yesterday one of Trump's warriors massacred 19 people in a shopping center in El Paso, Texas. This follows a few days after a mass shooting in Gilroy, killing three, and preceded by hours a mass shooting in Dayton, killing nine.

The NRA and its ilk have absolutely no moral ground to hide behind anymore. Their hands have been played. It's never been Constitutional rights. It's not about hunters' rights or home defense. It's obviously not about an armed "good guy" saving the day against an armed "bad guy."  It's about White Supremacy and White Nationalist Terrorism. Plain and simple.

It's not about mental illness in these terrorists. It's not gun show loopholes and background checks and "legal in one state and not in another." It's not about a well-regulated militia. It's not about "if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns."

It's an open war. It's terrorism. And we must fight back. NOW.

What will you do?

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