Monday, August 12, 2019

Dribs and Drabs

One of the reasons I started this blog was to keep me from continually posting political stuff on Facebook, as it is already supersaturated. I don't always succeed. Today, instead of a posting in dribs and drabs, here is one big flush!

Let's resist furthering Epstein conspiracy theories (Be better than SCROTUS). First of all, nothing is stinkier than the whole cushy deal and sealed case from 2007. He got a "jail term" that included going to the office six days a week, while his victims got no justice. Secondly, there is no reason for anyone to murder Epstein. Both Bill Clinton and the Alpha Molester have already been implicated in umpteen other sexual assaults with no consequences, and they haven't had to resort to murdering witnesses. Investigations will continue with or without Epstein. I'm confident that the scum that associated with Epstein will see their day of reckoning regardless.

More about guns and misogyny. Along with white supremacy, power over women and hatred of women is a common trait among mass shooters, including apparently the Dayton shooter. Here is a really good analysis from The New York Times about the link between misogyny and mass violence. The writers note how scumbag "incels" worship the mass shooter who devastated my own community of Isla Vista, CA a few years ago. It's time to stop giving attention to mass shooters. Let their names stay out of the papers. Let's focus on the victims and finding solutions. Frank Shyong of the Los Angeles Times describes the tricky path that journalists walk on this matter. I'd like to see more movement toward neutralizing shooters' motive of acquiring fame.

Texas is turning a beautiful shade of purple, on its way to going full blue. There's a wonderful trend in Texas. Get ready for a blue wave in a place we never thought we'd see it. It reminds me of our own li'l Orange County, a Republican stronghold for many years here in California, before turning decidedly blue in 2018. It's my election-year mission to fight for enfranchising voters in traditionally red states, and Texas is one state I'll work to help. (Watch for future topic)

And in fact, new polling shows 45 is underwater in approval ratings in most of the country, and if you plot the results in an electoral college style map, you get this wonderful sight:

Matt Rogers on Twitter

Christian evangelicals have apparently found their red line with Donald Drumpf. It isn't his proclivity for sexual assault. It isn't his overt racism. It isn't his 10,000-plus lies since occupying the WhitesOnly House. It isn't his inciting hatred and violence. It isn't his love affair with the most brutal dictator in the world's history. It isn't his ripping babies from their mothers. Nope. None of that matters as much as his saying "goddamn."

Speaking of dreamy dictator love affairs, the Mango Mussolini received another love letter from his sweetie in North Korea. I'll let Stephen Colbert explain.

Here's an interesting tidbit from the Scumbag-in-Chief. A couple weeks ago, in the wake of yet another cabinet position fiasco, he admitted that he doesn't vet his cabinet nominees. He uses he media to do the job for him. It "saves a lot of money." Really? So suddenly the press can be depended upon to find the facts, can they? Cheap, lazy bastard. I detest this man.

Today the Racist-in-Chief proposed changes in the rules for legal immigrants. He is targeting the poorer immigrants by denying green cards to immigrants who use or even qualify for public assistance in the form of food assistance or housing assistance. "Give me your tired, your poor financially independent, your huddled masses..."

And today he also gutted protections for endangered species. <Little Sister Resister wipes a tear> Just why? Oh yeah. Big oil.

Farmers are also hurting. The trade war with China has decimated farmers. China is no longer buying American soybeans, for example, and though the government is throwing money at farmers, they are not going to recover easily. Brace for ripple effects.

Today marks the second anniversary of Heather Heyer's murder in Charlottesville, Virginia. We mourn Heather every day as we continue the fight against white supremacists. Keep her alive in your heart.

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