Sunday, August 25, 2019

At a loss for words

"Facts sometimes have a strange and bizarre power that makes their inherent truth seem unbelievable." –Warner Herzog

We have run out of words to describe the unbelievabilty of the current set of facts in our country. "Bizarre" just doesn't cut it anymore. Thesaurus to the rescue!

TЯUMP's expressed desire to buy Greenland last week was just ludicrous. There was absolutely no way to look back anywhere and see what the oranges  origins of this thought were. The United States isn't currently interested in the buying up islands, nor sovereign countries, nor autonomous regions of sovereign countries, nor any other piece of land on the planet (or any other planet for that matter). Denmark has been an important ally. The last talk of buying Greenland was from Harry S Truman back in 1946. There has been no speculation from anyone for expanding the borders of the United States anywhere for the last 60 years, since Hawaii became a state in 1959. FAUX News didn't even put the thought in his head. Where did the thought originate? Presumably a stray spark from one of the two functioning neurons left in the man's brain. Just weird.

Also last week, the administration decided to try to suspend the Flores Agreement. The Flores Agreement was implemented in 1993 in order to protect migrant children and regulated their minimum care standards and length of stay in detention (20 days), among other protections. The administration wants to change the rules in order to separate children from their families and hold them indefinitely. The New Yorker explains the history of the Flores Agreement and the Apricot Pol Pot's attempts to dismantle it. Children at the border remain in peril at the hands of the United States Government. This is monstrous to its core.

His repulsive attitudes toward immigrants were further exposed Wednesday when he again asserted that he will end birthright citizenship. No, he won't. That would be unconstitutional.

And THEN last week, he said the accused Jewish people who vote Democrat of being "disloyal." That's simply <checks Thesaurus>.... abhorrent!

Saying Jews are disloyal when they vote a certain way is anti-Semitic. It echos what Hitler said to justify the persecution of Jews in 1930s Germany. This trope has been used by white supremacists throughout the ages to disparage Jews in society. Read the New York Times' piece on the toxic, racist backstory to this outlandish trope. 

After the distasteful proclamation that American Jews are disloyal, he proclaimed himself "King of the Jews," "the second coming of God," and (gazing skyward) "the Chosen One."  Seriously, that's just..... unhinged!

God responded:

And today, it came to light that Captain Chaos has proposed sending nukes into hurricanes to disrupt them. Do we have a word for that?? Erratic? Unbalanced? Deranged? OH! We need to revisit demented

I've written many posts about the demented mental state of SCROTUS. Whether it's dementia or severe mental illness, or a marriage of the two, more and more people agree that there is something dangerously wrong. 

A year and a half ago, a Yale psychiatrist made a strong case for Congress to consider involuntary commitment.

This past week, the Mooch, 11-day WhitesOnly House Communications Director, sounded warning signs and wrote an Op/Ed for The Washington Post imploring Republicans to stand up against 45's "depredations" (now, there's an apt word!).

And a couple days ago, Lance Dodes, MD, a psychiatrist at Harvard, rang the alarm again about Demagogue-in-Chief's mental state. See below.

Bizarre. Ludicrous. Weird. Monstrous. Repulsive. Abhorrent. Outlandish. Unhinged. Erratic. Repulsive. Deranged. Demented. The sum of the parts: Abnormal.

We must push toward invoking the 25th Amendment, impeachment, or both. This is not healthy for the nation or the world.

Nor is it healthy for us as individuals. What words do we have to describe what we are going through, as we open the newspaper every morning and turn on the news every evening?

Angry. Unsettled. Pessimistic.






We find ourselves walking the fine line of paying attention and pushing for change (we must!), and self-care. I spend hours reading and writing about the issues (and I thank you for spending time reading my posts), but I make sure I engage in activities that make me whole. Hiking, dancing, spending time with my loved ones. We must step back and disengage once in a while or we, too, will be dragged into the abyss.

Arm yourself with the bizarre facts, find your words, contact your Members of Congress, and #Resist! And then go get a massage.

And just for fun.......

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