Saturday, September 19, 2020



My soul is in destruction.

There is so much to unpack about the loss of our national treasure, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

She has reminded us that there is a better version of America. To say "icon" or "hero" is beyond inadequate. She was what was holding us together; she was the embodiment of a more perfect union. 

We are what we are today because of Justice Ginsburg.

Today we mourn, hearts burnt and busted. It feels like the world has come down around us.

But we cannot stay in the rubble long. We must push off the crossbeams, dust ourselves off, and get the hell back on our feet. We must rise up, just like she did, time and time again, for us. 

Justice Ginsburg was resilient; she was uncompromising; she did more. Now it's up to us.

This was her wish in how to be remembered:

"Someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability. And to help repair tears in her society, to make things a little better through the use of whatever ability she has. To do something, as my colleague David Souter would say, outside myself. ‘Cause I’ve gotten much more satisfaction for the things that I’ve done for which I was not paid."

Now let us use whatever talent we have to do some work to the very best of our ability. Let us channel Justice Ginsberg's energy, her resilience, her tenacity, and let us work hard toward a more perfect union. 

We must do more. If you've made 10 phone calls, make 10 more. If you've donated to a Democrat candidate, donate a little more. We have 45 days to save our democracy.

Our democracy depends on our participation. Please honor Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and ACT. The stakes have never been higher.

  • Call your Senator and tell them to hold McConnell accountable and delay a SCOTUS confirmation until after the inauguration. Another easy way to contact your Senator is to use Resistbot. It works through text or Messenger to send faxes to your Members of Congress. 
  • Call these vulnerable Republican Senators. Ask them to wait on a SCOTUS vote. Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have already stated they support waiting until after the election for a vote. Call these others and pressure them as well:
    • Mitt Romney - (202) 224-5251
    • Martha McSally - (202) 224-2235
    • Cory Gardner -  (202) 224-5941
    • Chuck Grassley - (202) 224-3744
  • This postcard writing campaign could use your help: Postcards to Voters. Be part of a grassroots movement to boost Democratic candidates in battleground districts! I've written postcards to voters in Florida to get out the vote; in support of Amy McGrath in her race against Mitch McConnell; in support of Cal Cunningham who has a good chance of winning a Senate seat in North Carolina; and in support of Dianne Mitsch Bush running for a congressional seat in Colorado.  

          If you're local, contact me. I'll give you postcards and stamps if you'll write them!

"So often in life, things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great, good fortune." – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Resist. Dissent.

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