Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The lad doth protest too much, methinks.

Remember SCROTUS's unscheduled visit to Walter Reed hospital last November?

Apropos of nothing*, yesterday he tweeted, 

The tweet left people scratching their heads. An out-of-the-blue tweet about an incident 11 months ago. No one in the news media had recently suggested that he was suffering TIAs, transient ischemic attacks (aka "mini strokes"). Shortly after this tweet, the Whitewash House physician Dr. Sean Conley released a statement at IMPOTUS's request:

"I can confirm that President Trump has not experienced nor been evaluated for a cerebrovascular accident (stroke), transient ischemic attack (mini stroke), or any acute cardiovascular emergencies, as have been incorrectly reported in the media."

Protest much?

Well, perhaps no one in the media has speculated about his multiple TIAs, but I have!

You know I've written extensively about his speech and language symptoms, pointing to a neurological condition. 

Here is my blog post after that very same trip to Walter Reed. It outlines a lot of the disordered speech and language he exhibits. And it puts forth my speculation about that unscheduled trip to the hospital. I think he had a larger-than-normal TIA, went to the hospital, it cleared up, and he refused further work-up. 

The truth is he exhibits sudden transient dysarthria, paraphasias, confabulations, apraxic errors, disordered language, and empty speech. Something is terribly wrong. And he doth protest a whole hell of a lot.

I'm gonna start calling him King GertRUDE. 

Envisioning the American Dream. com

I acknowledge that professionals should not diagnose without examining the patient, so my speculation is just that. However, Speech-Language Pathologists use speech and language behaviors to help in diagnosis. There is a ton of data, well preserved, for this specimen. We train on analyzing recordings and videos. I can analyze his speech and language and describe its pathology. In the end, take what I say with a grain of salt, but just one. One little bitty grain.

*it turned out his out-of-the-blue tweet was in response to Bill Clinton's former press secretary Joe Lockhart's tweet asking the question, "Did Donald Trump have a stroke which he is hiding from the American public?" 45 characteristically stretched the point, defended earnestly, and splashed the issue all over the news cycle. 

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