Friday, September 11, 2020

What magic be here?

Clay Jones

What magic pixie dust did Bob Woodward sprinkle over SCROTUS to make him speak honestly – and coherently – over several telephone interviews?

Under what delusion did IMPOTUS believe that it would paint a rosy picture of him to speak to the journalist who, along with partner Carl Bernstein, brought down the Nixon presidency?

I know, I know, "bombshell" is so hackneyed since 2017. But oh my golly. This one starts fires.

He knew. He understood. In a moment of clarity for the 45th President* of the United States, he was absolutely crystal clear about the threat that COVID-19 represented to the citizens of the nation. He understood that this was a gravely deadly threat. He knew it early. He knew it, he understood it, and yet, he lied to us all, from Day 1. And his lies have cost nearly 200,000 lives in the last six months. 

This time, we don't have some anonymous Whitewash House source. We don't have a contrite former staff member. We don't have an estranged relative. We have the Odious One himself, in his own voice, on tape. 


This POS purposefully "downplayed" the threat in order "not to induce panic." Instead, his actions induced complacency and willful ignorance, causing millions of people to contract the disease, countless citizens to be left with serious long-lasting health effects, and hundreds of thousands to lose their lives.

Today we mark the 19th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. It has been a custom to read aloud every name lost on that day. It takes over 3 hours to read the names of those who perished. If we were to name every American who died from COVID-19, it would take more than 8 days, reading 24 hours a day, to honor all 192,000 who have died so far. 

He didn't simply downplay the threat of the virus, he actively negated the threat by calling it a hoax, by saying it was under control, by discouraging effective measures such as wearing face masks, by encouraging gatherings, by patting himself on the back for the "good job" he was doing. 

It's not only a complete and utter absence of leadership, it's morally abhorrent and, frankly, criminal. He betrayed the American people's trust knowingly, willfully, and selfishly, for he somehow thought that his actions would somehow help his re-election, even as he knowingly and willfully participated in the death of many of his own base.


Bob Woodward, thank you for crafting your journalistic magic and bringing back the curtain on this ugly, ugly human being. Perhaps by some miracle more will see him for the narcissistic, selfish, despicable, abhorrent pond scum he is and he will be summarily removed from our sight. 

In other bombshells this week, we learned from The Atlantic's editor-in-chief Jeffery Goldberg, that during a trip to France in 2018, marking the 100th anniversary of the battle at Belleau Wood, 45 refused to honor those lost in WWI because soldiers who die are "suckers" and "losers."

Other media outlets independently verified the story, including FAUX News's Jennifer Griffin, who reported on its veracity. King GertRUDE of course immediately called for her resignation. Doing her journalistic duty of searching for the truth? Off with her head! 

The revelation was not a surprise, as we have witnessed him disparage service members left and right, including Sen. John McCain, when he said, "I like people who weren't captured;" as well as casting aspersions on a Gold Star family, among many other insults against the military. 

And kneeling in front of the flag is disrespectful? 

I find it difficult to believe that even one decent human being still supports this person. I guess that's it, isn't it? His base has no decency. It's obvious that the common denominator is repugnancy. Entitlement. Xenophobia. Misogyny. Racism.

And in left-wing bombshells: Nancy Pelosi went to the hair salon! 

She was caught getting a verboten haircut! unmasked! in a San Francisco salon! blatantly disregarding state and local guidelines!

Yes, it was wrong to go get a haircut without a mask. I'll condemn that action. As a private citizen, she shouldn't have done that. As a congressional leader, she shouldn't have done that. But if going to the salon is her biggest scandal, I'll take it. Just please don't lump this behavior with the person who has raped, exploited, caged, lied, bombed, denied, colluded, attacked, diminished, shut down, stole, bullied, mocked, threatened, and demeaned. 


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