Wednesday, January 20, 2021

By the Numbers

Randy Rainbow has been such an inspiration over the last four years... 48 months... 1460 days... 35,040 hours...

....2,102,400 minutes.


26 Women accusing him of sex crimes

448 pages of Mueller Report

13 Cabinet members resigned

2 Impeachments

7,059,741 Fewer votes in 2020

2 Elections lost the popular vote

22 Bestselling Tell-All books

    1 perfect phone call

3 Far-right Supreme Court justices

221 Federal judges appointed

237 Pardons and commutations 

 2 hands to drink water

288 Executive Orders

13 Federal executions
    - 17 years since the last one (and the most since 1896)

5 miles of wall constructed

                      - 450 miles of wall repaired

              - $0 from Mexico

                                            210 LSR posts

  129 Rallies

545 Immigrant children still without their parents

315 Days golfing

0 hurricanes hit Alabama 

$750 paid in taxes in 2017 

0 New health care acts


411,486 COVID deaths

8 associates charged or convicted of felonies

1 broken GOP 

1  Insurrection
    5 Insurrection deaths

1 Failed Coup


1 screen door hitting him on the way out 


****1 exhausted nation****

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