Monday, February 27, 2017

I Stand with Planned Parenthood

"No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body." --Margaret Sanger

My second protest last week, after Saturday's United We Stand march, was a rally on Tuesday in support of Planned Parenthood.

There were a few hundred people gathered at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse Sunken Garden for a short rally.  Several speakers spoke to the crowd.

A half-dozen or so members of the clergy from around the area stood with Planned Parenthood and spoke about the importance of the healthcare that women receive there, from STD testing, to contraception, to safe abortion and general healthcare.

Various denominations of clergy stood with PP

Congressman Salud Carbajal was again on hand to stand with Planned Parenthood and spoke in support of the organization and a woman's right to make her own decisions about her reproductive health. 

Congressman Salud Carbajal speaks to the crowd

I was proud to be among my fellow citizens fighting for the freedom for women to make their own decisions.  My body, my choice! 

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