In one of my early posts in February, I predicted that President Asterisk's ouster would come within 200 days, and it would be by impeachment. I said, "The Russian thing will surely implode very soon and there may be good reason not only to impeach TЯUMP but to jail him."
Two hundred days is upon us, and he's holding on. But barely. I believe an ouster will come, as the Russia thing is indeed imploding. 200 days was a little optimistic, but maybe by the end of the year? Surely not after the 2018 elections. I still predict it will be by impeachment or threat of impeachment. Pressure to resign in the face of impeachment?
Let's see where we are at this 6-month-ish mark. Here are my memories of the timeline, with what I consider the most smokingest of guns, and my take on Current Events. These are just highlights from my pea-brain. For the bigger picture, refer to's timeline or this excellent interactive timeline from the Washington Post.
Of course we all heard the rumblings even during the campaign. Remember when the Tiny-Fisted Oompa Loompa himself called upon Russia to hack Hillary's emails and find those missing ones?
The Russia Thing really started to gain steam when National Security Advisor Mike Flynn was fired, before Month 1 was out. The official reason was that Mike lied to VP Pence about his meetings with the Russian Ambassador. But this piece of stink cheese was really the first inkling that not only did the Russians interfere with our election, but that the TЯUMP campaign actively colluded.
(Yes, I know, it's not official that collusion happened. But it happened. We all know it happened. The facts will continue to emerge and there soon will be Official Evidence that it happened, up to the highest level.)
Around the same time. Spicey backpedaled HARD when he talked about Paul Manafort in his "limited role" in the campaign. Yeah. Limited role as Effing Campaign Manager. Oh yeah, I forgot. It's the Backwards Administration. Lies are Truth.
Around the time that Manafort's role was re-imagined, Mike Flynn, "Mr. When-you-are-given-immunity,-that-means-you-probably-committed-a-crime" himself, asked for immunity in exchange for his testimony to Congress. Thank you. No. (Not at this time)
In March, FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers testified in front of Congress and stated that the investigation had extended to include members of the TЯUMP campaign staff. It was a bombshell.
Shortly after that, Representative Kevin Nunes (R-CA), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, ran to the Whitewash House with information pertinent to the Russian investigation that he obtained from .... the Whitewash House. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) was the first in my memory to publicly state the need for an independent investigator when he rebuked Nunes's actions.
The stuff really started to fly in May and June. On May 9th, 45 fired FBI Director James Comey and admitted on National TV, and to the Russians themselves, that he fired Comey to make the Russia thing go away. This was a blatant admission of Obstruction of Justice, and a couple weeks later Comey testified that SCROTUS indeed tried to obstruct justice when he got the blending-in-with-the-curtains-guy alone and pressured him with, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." And when Jim didn't, Jim was axed.
In May, former FBI director Robert Meuller was named to head the special investigation. He got busy quick, doing much more than the congressional investigation committees did, and as of last week, he has convened a grand jury.
In the meantime, SCROTUS has asserted -- by tweet, of course -- his power to pardon, and he has inquired into if he has the power to pardon himself and his family. Let that sink in. The President* of the United States wants to be able to pardon himself.
Let's move right to the sentencing phase, shall we?
But maybe he's not even under investigation. Maybe? Yes? No?
Junior himself laid another golden egg of evidence when he released his emails ahead of the New York Times, admitting that he took a meeting with Russians for the purpose of obtaining dirt on Hillary.
OK, really? Can we stop this thing now? Please?
No. It goes on. And the Mango Mussolini continues to insist that the investigation is a "witch hunt" and "fake news." His minions keep rallying around the "fake news" line. It's really getting annoying.
The press continues to dig, leaks continue to pour from the Whitewash House. The trickle has become a waterfall. It's hard to tread through all the muck. Someone wants us to know things. Many things. Bad things.
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In only six months, we have gone from an inkling of wrong-doing by our #AlternativeLeader to a raging river of evidence. To compare, it was 2 years, 1 month and 23 days between the break-in at the Watergate Hotel and the resignation of President Nixon.
Keep your eye on that Grand Jury.
....If calm waters can be reclaimed. This opinion piece in the Washington Post and this one from The Week paint a scary scenario. It may be that our Republic has been damaged forever.
Other recent events at the 200-day mark:
The Whitewash House is a revolving door of staffers. When SCROTUS can get someone to take the job, they leave soon after. Hundreds of positions still aren't filled. CNN reported that of over 500 positions that are deemed essential, only about one-fifth have been filled. This is far behind the last three Presidents at the same point in their terms.
He is being very vile to Attorney General and Chief Elf, Jeff Sessions, who has stood by him through thick and thicker. Jeff may be next though the revolving door.
The Republicans' attempts at repealing the Affordable Healthcare Act have failed miserably, and SCROTUS plans to sabotage the ACA in some sick attempt to create failure, and thus, crisis.
SCROTUS used some strong rhetoric to North Korea and brings us one step closer to war.
You know, business as #notnormal.
Stay afloat. Resist.
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