Monday, August 14, 2017

We Stand With Charlottesville

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." -- Barack Obama

Yesterday there was a gathering at De La Guerra Plaza in downtown Santa Barbara to express solidarity with our friends in Charlottesville, Virginia, after the horrific events of Saturday. We showed up to condemn white supremacy and continue the fight for justice and liberty for all.

After a moment of silence, several people spoke, including one from the local group from SURJ, Showing Up for Racial Justice, a national group dedicated to organizing white people to fight for racial justice.  It was a good-sized group attending the rally, especially given the lateness of the event's organization.

There wasn't much local coverage.  Noozhawk had a story.

I took a couple photos.

Little Sister Resister
The reverse said, "Love and Kindness Always Win"

panorama shot

One of the main points at the rally was that, while it is important to show up at rallies and demonstrations, it is what we do in-between times that will make the difference. We must continue to strive for change.

Santa Barbara is an insulated bubble. We don't feel the impacts of racism here as keenly as folks do in other parts of the country. But we must always raise our voice and act! Get involved and stay involved. Look for your chapter of SURJ, Just CommunitiesIndivisible, or other resistance groups. Get out the vote. Get involved in local politics. Inspire others.

Own your part of racism and oppression, even if it has been simply silence. Be silent no more. Speak out against hateful words and acts.  Be the change you want to see.

Do something. 

Here is a great essay: White Feelings 0-60 by Erynn Brook

The Southern Poverty Law Center put out an Action Guide. (Thanks to my Big Sister Resister for pointing me to this)  Go! Do Something!

If you don't have the time to get involved, perhaps you have the money.  Donate to organizations that fight the fight. Here are a few good ones to donate to:

The Southern Poverty Law Center
The Anti-Defamation League

or any of the organizations listed here: Racial Equity Resource Guide. Be sure to do your homework and check with Charity Navigator or another watchdog before you send your money anywhere!

I also wrote about hate groups and the uptick in hate violence a few weeks ago. You can read my post here: Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate....


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