Thursday, October 3, 2024

Beautiful Beach Bodies, Really Violent Days, and The Government's Motion for Immunity Determinations

But first...
Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday! 
President Carter reached his 100th year on October 1. He has been under the care of home hospice at his home in Plains, Georgia for the last 19 months. I am not the only one to predict that he would not have lived long after his beloved Rosalynn died in 2023, but here he is. 

It has been reported that he wants to hold on to be able to cast his ballot for Kamala Harris. Two weeks to go before early voting starts in Georgia on October 16. ❤️

Such a wise, gentle soul. He has done much for this country and the world. 

Happy Birthday, dear President Carter. I revere you.

Chris Britt

Steve Sack

Hurricane Response
Such a devastating tragedy for a wide swath of the South. Hurricane Helene roared fast and furious into the panhandle of Florida and went on to savagely beat up on Georgia and North Carolina. Many communities have been absolutely devastated. Here we are, six days after Helene made landfall, and there are 200 dead and hundreds still missing. More than a million citizens throughout Georgia and North Carolina are still without power and water. 

Lies came out of Donold's ass, of course. He cannot help but make a tragedy political. He lied his pants off and said President Biden did not call Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. He said that the President was "sleeping." He continued his lie-fest by saying that the President and his administration wanted to keep from assisting those states because they are Republican. Stop. Just stop!!

It feels dumb to clarify, but the President of course called Gov. Kemp, along with Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina and other elected officials throughout the region. And of course, OF COURSE, aid will be rendered wherever it is needed. 

The Mango Mussolini further politicized the tragedy by showing up at sites, against the advice of officials who believed his visit would disrupt rescue and clean-up efforts. He disrupted anyway, just so that he could have a photo-op while lying about providing relief supplies, which πŸ‘ he πŸ‘ did πŸ‘ not πŸ‘ do πŸ‘.

Here he is in his photo op, after making workers take the bricks from a damaged building to build him a great big beautiful wall. 

Here's the lying bastard in action:

For the record, Kamala suspended campaign activities and was on the phone to FEMA right away, making a visit later when she was assured it would not disrupt recovery efforts. Biden made an aerial tour as his visit, and obviously he mobilized the full force of federal relief resources.

If you would like to help the victims of Helene, consider donating to Direct Relief International. They are an efficient, caring, and effective disaster response organization.

We remember Dolt 45's response to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. His presidential response to the citizens of Puerto Rico after the devastating hurricane was to block aid from FEMA, insult the governor, disavow being president of the island territory, mock their accent, and throw paper towels

Don't forget his response to Hurricane Dorian, which he insisted hit Alabama, going so far to use a sharpie to doctor a map. SO FUCKING WEIRD!!

At least he didn't throw paper towels this time. Oh, that's right. He's just a private citizen now, so the rolls of Bounty would have had to come out of his own pocket.

We know that if he were to be elected, future hurricane and other weather-realated disasters would be immeasurably more devastating because he will have gutted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It's plainly spelled out in Project 2025 (page 696 and 709).

For reference, here is LSR's post about Hurricane Dorian in not-Alabama. For some reason, I didn't specifically post about Hurricane Maria, though I mentioned it in this post about Doughnald's blatant racism

"One Really Violent Day"
Ok, the rhetoric is getting very dark. 

Darth Hater went as far as to suggest a free-for-all day for cops to do whatever they want to citizens who shoplift. See below, if you have the stomach for it:

Speaking of Violent Rhetoric: The Traitor Tot Insurrection Trial
A big development came out yesterday! A prosecution filing was unsealed in Judge Tanya Chutkin's federal courtroom. 

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith wrote an exhaustive 165-page filing, detailing his plans to prosecute in light of SCOTUS's kingship ruling. In it, Smith outlined the actions that were specifically private – as a candidate, not as President – rather than official, during the period when The Unforgettable Liar attempted to stage a coup. 

Smith makes the point that the people helping in the coup scheme were campaign staff, private advisers, and private attorneys. The filing's main point is, "The Executive Branch has no authority or function to choose the next President.... As President, the defendant had no official responsibilities related to the states administration of the election or the appointment of their electors." 

With regard to his communications with Pence about that day's certification proceedings, the filing says, "Because the Executive Branch has no role in the certification proceeding -- and indeed, the President was purposely excluded from it by design -- prosecuting the defendant for his corrupt efforts regarding Pence poses no danger to the Executive Branch's authority or functioning."  

Boom. Done

I'm not a lawyer and I don't even play one on TV, but to me the biggest proof that his acts weren't official is that they failed. He used others in their official capacities. He used the courts; he tried to use local secretaries of state; he tried to use state and local election officials. He tried to use his own Vice President, for lord's sake! If his were official acts, he would have prevailed at every turn – or at the very least, one turn! It's obvious! But I'm not a whack-job Supreme Court justice, and no one asked me.

The only thing he had left was his power. His power to sway angry, vulnerable minds. And that's what he used on January 6, resulting in death, destruction, and the collective trauma we experienced. 

The fever dreams of a demented psycho dictator-wannabe is not governance. 

This in an important document, and reading it reaffirms my belief in good people and good election processes. 

The document is worth the read: here it is. It is chock full of sweet yummy bits! (BTW, I know it's hard to read with all the redacted names -- but the internet to the rescue! Here is a list of the Persons and Co-conspirators in the filing.)

We know most of the story already, but there were a few new tidbits of evidence to unwrap. Feels like Christmas!
  • While on Marine One, he said to his children and Melania that "it doesn't matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell." This mirrors his rhetoric during his speech on January 6.
  • During the attack on the Capitol, King Ketchup was in his dining room, watching the carnage on FAUX News. He was alone with his phone. Forensics on his phone indicate that he was scrolling Twitter most of the afternoon. At 2:24pm, just as a police officer had been attacked and the breach of the building was underway, he (and not Dan Scavino, the only other person to have access to his account) tweeted, "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!"
This tweet became a de facto order for his minions to kill Vice President Mike Pence. Jack Smith makes the point that this tweet "was not a message sent to address a matter of public concern and ease unrest; it was the message of an angry candidate upon the realization that he would lose power."

What he didn't do that afternoon, in an official capacity as President, which his staff was begging him to do during the riots: "quell the emergency at the Capitol."  

  • When told that Mike Pence had to run for his life and had been moved to a safe location, Dumbty replied, "So what?"
  • It was apparent that not only did he know his claims of election fraud were false, he and his team made up the numbers on the daily - inventing them and changing them regularly. For example, πŸšΌ and his team pulled out of their butts that 36,000 non-citizens had voted in Arizona, changing the number to "a few hundred thousand” a few days later, eventually bringing it back to “bare minimum … 40 or 50,000," then down to 32,000 and back up again to the original number of 36,000.
  • When Twitler was told that he was not going to prevail in court, he shrugged it off. "The details don't matter," he said.
  • We had known that Steve Bannon knew something in advance, based on his War Room podcast where he said that "all hell was going to break loose" on January 6. Now we know Smith has the receipts. Babyhands spoke to Bannon by telephone on January 5, a couple hours before the podcast.
  • There are more details about conversations between VP Pence and Cadet Bone-Spurs, both from Pence's book and from his contemporaneous notes. Pence kept pushing back on the idea that he had the power to change the results. 
On a Christmas Day phone call, Pence told him, "You know I don’t think I have the authority to change the outcome." The Deranged Pumpkin continued to push, at one point telling him, "When there’s fraud, the rules get changed." He told Pence to “be bold” and that “this whole thing is up to him." 

Smith skillfully framed the conversations between 45 and VP Pence as between running mates and not in their official roles. 

45's threats to Pence were scary. He continually threatened Pence that his followers would "hate [his] guts" and "I'm gonna have to say you did a great disservice." It swells my heart that Pence did what he did in the face of great peril. 

  • After the election, while votes were still being counted, TΠ―UMP and his team wanted to create chaos.  A member of the campaign visited a polling place in Detroit and attempted to pressure them to find a way to “find a reason it isn’t” favoring Biden in that location. When the election worker expressed concern that it would cause unrest, the campaign employee said, "Make them riot!" and "Do it!!!
  • King Minus also pressured RNC chairperson Ronna McDaniel to buy into the lies regarding voting machines in Michigan. She told him her feelings about the plan: "This is fucking nuts."
Another time, he asked McDaniel to arrange a meeting with Michigan officials. She declined, saying it could be construed as lobbying. Hello. A candidate's private act, anyone?
  • It is obvious he was only talking about his vote numbers, and did not at any time address the vote totals for candidates down-ballot, some of whom garnered more votes than he did. For example, in Michigan, he was told, "if he had received the same number of votes as the two local winning sheriffs he likely would have won Michigan."
  • He tried to pit one state against the other. He lied to officials in Michigan and told them that Georgia was ready to change their certification.
  • Remember Sidney Powell's whackadoodle theory about the late Hugo Chavez's involvment in rigging voting machines? It is noted in the filing that Diaper Don initially called her ideas, "crazy," before using them and inflating them.
  • It is a little funny to be seeing references to Star Trek (in relation to Sidney Powell; exact reference to which aspect of Star Trek is unspecified) and characters from the "Star Wars bar" (relating to a "motley" group of false electors).
  • The event at the ellipse was clearly described in all those tweets as a "rally," which Smith notes is a term reserved for campaign events, not official events. He points out that the rally was privately funded, and it was staffed and organized chiefly by campaign staff, not White House staff. They understood the Hatch Act.
  • Rudy did a boo-boo. He texted his fraudulent plans to ask Michigan lawmakers to overturn the results, texting: 
“So I need you to pass a joint resolution from the Michigan legislature that states that, *the election is in dispute,* there’s an ongoing investigation by the Legislature, and * the Electors sent by Governor Whitmer are not the official Electors of the State of Michigan and do not fall within the Safe Harbor deadline of Dec 8 under Michigan Law.”
The problem? He texted to a wrong number. You can't make this shit up! 
  • There's a whole section – multiple pages – about the Twidiot's Twitter communications. Smith was masterful at illustrating the use of Tweets as mostly unofficial throughout the campaign and indeed his presidency, and certainly throughout the post-election coup attempt. 
  • I love the sections where Jack anticipates the defense's reactions and tells how he will rebut those arguments.
  • I love the references to the Federalist Papers, which clearly express the Framers' wishes: 
The Constitution’s structure further reflects the Framers’ considered choice to exclude the incumbent President from playing a role in choosing the next President. The Constitution reflects an abiding concern that governmental “power is of an encroaching nature, and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it,” not least to protect against “the danger to liberty from the overgrown and all-grasping prerogative of an hereditary magistrate.” The Federalist No. 48 (J. Madison); see Metro. Wash. Airports Auth. v. Citizens for Abatement of Aircraft Noise, Inc., 501 U.S. 252, 273 (1991) (“The abuses by the monarch recounted in the Declaration of Independence provide dramatic evidence of the threat to liberty posed by a too powerful executive.”). The Framers therefore designed a system of separated powers in part to ensure that “[n]o man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.” The Federalist No. 10 (J. Madison).

Smith's motion is a clear document that illustrates just how obviously he was acting as Candidate Donny and not President Dummy. Judge Chutkin now holds a roadmap to rulings that his acts are not official and do not fall under SCOTUS's immunity decision.

In short, SCOTUS did not change a thing about these charges. They just worked to delay, as I am sure was their goal. Jack Smith had to take extra time to delineate these unofficial acts, but to our benefit, We The People get to see more damning evidence. 

However, I am skeptical. Whatever Chutkin rules, there are sure to be appeals to higher courts, and the matter of private vs. official acts will eventually be decided by "his Supreme Court justices." Though this document is tight and brilliantly written, the Supreme Court has a bunch of loose cannons. This ain't over yet, by a long shot.

Gawd, I hope we see a trial.

Diaper Don is looking like he needs a li'l nap 
Or maybe a hospital bed. The man is in serious decline. He continues with weird, confused, low-energy speeches. Like this one. Dry bathrooms? Huh? So weird!

There's more. He's both slurring and saying very strange things about his body and Joe Biden's:

David Packman looks at more clips of his recent appearances. Venezuelan killers occupying midwestern towns? Two years ago there weren't flies? It's all quite alarming.

We can't let this person back into the White House!

Ok, you know how every senator and representative has an official portrait? Here's JD's:

So, this morning Georgia Repug Rep. Mike Collins, for reasons known only to him, posted this version of the photo. May I introduce JD Prance:

Wut? What universe is this? It just keeps getting weirder!

Needless to say, the internet is going wild over this "yassified" version of Vance, and is adding their own photoshop miracles. Follow this link for those. My favorite among them, though, is the yassification of Rep. Collins himself:

A few more memes about the VP debate

The new Harris/Walz ad:

And a catch-up of other memes and 'toons of the days we are living in

Hey, Mr. Whamond! Great minds...! 
 Dave Whamond

Did you see SNL's first cold open of the season?

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